Basics of creative writing : The Tribune India

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Basics of creative writing

Basics of creative writing


Ritu Rahul Rathod

A form of artistic expression, Creative Writing, draws on the imagination of the writer to convey meaning through the use of imagery, narrative, drama, et cetera, typically identified by an emphasis and various literary tropes. Simply put, the term creative writing means imaginative writing, or writing as an art. 

Appropriate grammar in writing is essential for credibility, readability, communication, and clarity. Once established as a credible writer, you will have the freedom or 'poetic license' of making stylistic choices.

While there's no exact science to creative writing, try the following tips to get you started to enhance creativity. 

 1. Read everything and anything

Read anything you find from owned storybooks to daily publications, paying attention to the words used by the writer, use of metaphors, adjectives, characters, the plot, the conflict in the story etc. If you come across a word you don’t comprehend, try to guess the meaning before looking up a dictionary and then practice using it regularly.

 2. Get inspired!

Ask yourself artistic questions, such as what is the mute animal thinking? Why are the strangers arguing? Write about what you observe, hear, smell or feel! Use the words you previously learnt in your process. Analyse other pieces of writing, attempt to identify shortcomings in a story or suggest a few improvements or changes. Try to identify the most enjoyable and relevant parts of a piece of work 

 3. Use writing prompts to get you started

Writing prompts definitely improve your writing, urging you to hone your craft. Soon you’ll be able to master the secrets of great creative writing like a guru! For example, write about a song and a feeling it invoked in you. You may try creating multiple stories from your holiday photos!

 4. Use a journal or diary regularly

You may write about your goals and inspirations or a conversation with a friend. Find the journaling techniques that work for you. Try not to judge yourself!

 5. Rewrite and recreate past literature

Take a popular story, such as Othello or any other text and alter the plot or refresh characters so it may have a different ending or varied perspectives. For example, create a twist and think about a story where Kaa from the 'Jungle Book' would have a change of heart.

 6. Cereal companies offer toys inside their box; a reward for picking their cereal over others. If one recognises writing 250 words offers a reward but binging on a television show for an hour doesn’t, one will pick wisely, staying motivated. 

 7. Amalgamate writing with your interests and joys

If you enjoy food, write a food blog or recreate a recipe and put pen to paper, write content for a friend who has an Instagram account to do with food. Link your writing with an activity you relish!

 Observe the hyperbole for ‘hope’ “We’ll be alive again in a thousand blades of grass, and a million leaves; we'll be falling in the raindrops and blowing in the fresh breeze; we'll be glittering in the dew under the stars and the moon out there.”

The Amber Spyglass - by Philip Pullman.

 Creative Practice

Now strive to succeed with the following task: select a color and try to personify it. What does your color sound and taste like? Does it crave something or feel maybe? Do you think the colour moves and does it possess any extraterrestrial powers?

The writer is Creative Writing & Communications Coach & Founder- Moonlight Musings


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