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Sikh man, son led 60 Muslims to safety during Delhi riots, Twitter calls them ‘heroes’

They even put turbans on some kids to hide their identities
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Tribune Web Desk
Chandigarh, February 29

The worst communal violence since 1984 Sikh riots erupted in Delhi on February 24.

During the violence, Mohinder Singh and Inderjit Singh used their Bullet motorcycle and scooty to help transport 60-80 Muslim neighbours to a safe location.


The father and son said they realised that the situation was escalating in the Hindu-dominated neighbourhood of Gokalpuri in northeast Delhi.

In conversation with Huff Post, 53-year-old Mohinder Singh said that his son was on the Bullet motorcycle, and he was on the scooty, and they made around 20 trips each from Gokalpuri to Kardampuri in one hour.


When it was women and children, they took three to four of them at a time. When it was men and boys, they took two or three at a time. For some of the boys, they tied Sikh turbans to conceal they were Muslim.

They even put turbans on some kids to hide their identities.

In a report by Huffington Post, Mohinder was quoted as saying: “I did not see Hindu or Muslim. I just saw people. I saw little children. I felt like they were my children and that nothing should happen to them. We did this because we all should act humanely and help those in need. What more can I say?”

Twitter couldn’t stop praising the father and son for their initiative.

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