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PAU pays tribute to rich heritage with traditional games

Heritage and folk games were organised by the Directorate, Students’ Welfare, Punjab Agricultural University and the PAU Heritage Games Club on the university campus. The purpose of holding these games was to revive the robust and energetic folk sports of...
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Students take part in tug-of-war competition at PAU.

Heritage and folk games were organised by the Directorate, Students’ Welfare, Punjab Agricultural University and the PAU Heritage Games Club on the university campus. The purpose of holding these games was to revive the robust and energetic folk sports of Punjab, which are fast fading from our cultural memory, owing to the western influence on our culture.

Competitions for girls were conducted in the games — steppu and kotla chapaki while competitions for boys were held in the games — bandar killa and pithoo. Besides, competitions were also held in tin tangri duarh (three-legged race), rumaal chukna and rassa kashi (tug-of war) for both boys and girls.

Dr Satbir Singh Gosal, vice-chancellor, PAU, inaugurated the games. He said that folk games embodied our values, customs and traditions and helped us to connect with our cultural roots and gain a deeper understanding of our identity and history.


Dr Gosal exhorted students to continue to hone their motor, physical and mental skills in order to become adept in these games for future participation too.

Speaking on the theme of these games, Dr Nirmal Jaura, Director Students Welfare, said the heritage games were often played in groups, encouraging interaction, cooperation and friendly competition.


Dr Rupinder Kaur, Associate Director (Culture); Dr Kanwaljit Kaur, deputy director, Physical Education, and officers of the PAU were present there. Dr Ashoo Toor, president, University Speakers’ Forum, conducted the event.


Steppo (girls): COBSH 1st, COA 2nd, COA 3rd.

Kotla chapaki (girls): COA 1st, COCS 2nd and COHF 3rd.

Pithoo (boys): COBHS 1st, COA 2nd and COCS 3rd.

Bandar killa (boys): COA 1st and COCS 2nd.

Tin tangri daurh (girls): COA 1st, COHF 2nd and COCS 3rd.

Tin tangri daurh (boys): COBSH 1st, COA 2nd and COHF 3rd.

Rassa kashi (girls): COCS 1st, COHF 2nd and COA 3rd.

Rassa kashi (boys): COA 1st, COBSH 2nd and COHF 3rd.

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