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Norah Richards Theatre Festival features ‘Park’

Patiala, December 7 The 9th Norah Richards Theatre Festival organised by the Department of Youth Welfare at Punjabi University, in collaboration with the North Zone Cultural Centre, Sarthak Rangmanch and Social Welfare Society, Patiala, featured the play ‘Park’ on the...
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Patiala, December 7

The 9th Norah Richards Theatre Festival organised by the Department of Youth Welfare at Punjabi University, in collaboration with the North Zone Cultural Centre, Sarthak Rangmanch and Social Welfare Society, Patiala, featured the play ‘Park’ on the sixth day. It was written by writer and film actor Manav Kaul and presented by the team of ‘Laboratory Drama Society’, under the direction of Shobhit Mishra.

The festival showcased the play as a comedy depicting three people fighting for their space on a bench in a park. The storyline revolves around three benches in a park, with three individuals claiming their favourite spot, leading to humorous arguments and sharp commentary on the decline of humanity and ownership.


The play starts with a light-hearted approach but delves into serious commentary on human behaviour, touching upon issues like the war in Afghanistan, the Kashmir conflict, Naxalism, partition and the Tibetan freedom movement. The play is entertaining with its comic style, but the symbolic dialogues, sharp wit, and psychological insights present a profound script. It was performed by Shobhit Mishra, Daljit Singh, Happy Bokolia and Ramandeep Kaur.

Dr Gagandeep Thapa, in-charge of the Youth Welfare Department of the university, appreciated the play and thanked the audience for their support.


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