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Yamunanagar: Mining Dept writes to enforcement bureau to act against screening plant

Access to e-rawana portal was suspended in Nov
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Yamunanagar, June 20

The owners of a screening plant at Jaitpur village of the district have allegedly been found involved in illegal mining activities.

The Mines and Geology Department had suspended the e-rawana portal access to the screening plant in November. But during a surprise inspection recently, a team of the department found illegally mined material, including about 100 MT of gravel, 40 MT of sand, 6 MT of ‘bajri’ and 250 MT of ‘gatka’ (small stones) at the plant.


As per information, no screening plant can sell or purchase mined material without using the portal. The department has written to the SHO, Haryana State Enforcement Bureau, Ambala, requesting him to lodge an FIR against the plant owners.

In a letter to the SHO, Mining Officer of Yamunanagar (additional charge) Rajeev Dhiman said as per the record of the Mining Department, e-rawana access to the plant was suspended in November for allegedly misusing the portal. The tenure of the mining quarry, ‘Ranjitpur-Nagli 32’, came to an end in 2023. “A letter has been written to the enforcement bureau for lodging an FIR against the owners of the plant,” said Aman Kumar, Mining Inspector, Yamunanagar, who was part of the inspection team.


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