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How our Fat Removal Service Transformed an Algerian Model’s Life

Fella Kacemi is an immensely talented Algerian model who epitomizes constant self-improvement and unrelenting pursuits towards one’s goals. She was beautiful, yes, but shared the conviction that ‘it is not as much about who you used to be, as it...
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Fella Kacemi is an immensely talented Algerian model who epitomizes constant self-improvement and unrelenting pursuits towards one’s goals. She was beautiful, yes, but shared the conviction that ‘it is not as much about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be’. And with destiny firmly in her hands, she reached out to Elegant Hoopoe for physical improvements – one that she hoped would improve personal comfort and propel career gains.

She wanted to strengthen her core by building up abdominal muscles and reducing fat around the stomach area. Her body structure at the time - although seemingly impeccable, routinely left her bloated after meals. Moreover, the weakened core produced lower back pains, difficulty standing up for long periods and a less than ideal body balance.

Fella’s challenges


  • Reduced core movement
  • Hampered back movement
  • Post-meal bloat
  • Bad balance
  • Poor posture
  • Lower back pain
  • Muscle injuries
  • Difficulty standing for long periods
  • Inability to do substantial sit-ups


After a meticulous, yet brief (mostly Q & A) consultation process, the Elegant Hoopoe team resolved that Fella’s abdominal build-up and fat reduction goals fell within the purview of the TruFlex & Trusculpt machine.


Truflex is a muscle stimulation device that uses multidirectional stimulation technology to strengthen, tone and define the abdominal muscles, and several body parts (thighs, buttocks etc.). This innovative technology, one of the stables of Elegant Hoopoe, acutely personalizes treatments based on an Individual’s present shape and bodily aspirations.

The machine techno-stimulates different exercises by replicating moderate-to-intense twisting, squat and crunch actions in 3 distinct modes:

  • Prep mode – the twisting ‘warm-up’ motion, equivalent to pre-workouts stretching. It attunes the muscles to the contractions and electrical stimulation to follow
  • Tone mode – Here, electrical stimulation is sent to the muscles to contract and hold them to up until exhaustion, subsequently relaxing them to increase durability and endurance.
  • Sculpt mode – Complementing the tone mode, the sculpt mode induces ‘fast, deep and sequential’ muscle contractions that builds muscle mass.

Fella’s enhancement procedure involved placing sticky gel conductor pads over the targeted abdominal area before ‘working out’ those areas with TruFlex. Immediately afterwards, the Trusculpt - a radio-frequency based device that can heat subcutaneous fat cells to cause ‘cell death’ – was used to heighten improvements to astounding results.

In the aftermath of the procedure, it quickly became clear that the lower back pains, bad balance, post-meal bloat and all her previous challenges had been consigned to the past. Now, her body is svelte as svelte can be, with clear definitions and an outstanding musculature.

Fella Kacemi, the young, inspirational lady who would not settle for less, was voted Miss talent and Miss Arab, Algeria, in 2018!

Why Truflex?

  • Non-invasive, quick and comfortable treatment method
  • Minimal post-session pains and no downtime to the patient
  • Surmounts the plateau effect that can occur with regular exercise
  • Customizable to suit a patient’s unique goals and intensity threshold
  • Highly adaptable to each patient, regardless of their body shapes and sizes, skin type and fitness
  • Treats up to 8 areas simultaneously
  • Stimulates up to 54000 crunches or 20000 squats in 15-minute sessions.
  • It can target specific muscle groups, if necessary, to deliver 100% of its energy to them

About Elegant Hoopoe

Elegant Hoopoe is a health and aesthetics center in Jumeirah 2 Dubai, specializing in non-invasive fat reduction, muscle building, skin appearance and more. With the latest slimming devices at its disposal, the company has rapidly established itself as the go-to fat reduction clinic in the Country with services including: fat reduction, muscle building, skin tightening, butt shape and lifting, diets and psychology, face and neck lifting, cellulite treatment, and lots more.

  • 100% confidential consultations
  • Fully qualified staff with unmatched expertise
  • Empathy and a team that understands the concerns of men and women
  • Proven results with lots of testimonials

Book a consultation

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the above article are independent professional judgment of the experts and The Tribune does not take any responsibility, in any manner whatsoever, for the accuracy of their views. This should not be considered as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician for more details. Elegant Hoopoe shall solely liable for the correctness, reliability of the content and/or compliance of applicable laws. The above is non-editorial content and The Tribune does not vouch, endorse or guarantee any of the above content, nor is it responsible for them in any manner whatsoever. Please take all steps necessary to ascertain that any information and content provided is correct, updated, and verified.

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