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More relief for domestic power users, farmers in Himachal

Shimla, January 29 The meter rent and fixed charges have also been waived for domestic power consumers using up to 60 units a month. Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur had announced 60 units of free power for domestic users in...
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Shimla, January 29

The meter rent and fixed charges have also been waived for domestic power consumers using up to 60 units a month. Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur had announced 60 units of free power for domestic users in Solan on January 25.

According to a press note issued by Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited, the domestic power consumers using up to 125 units have also been given some rebate. “At present, these consumers are paying Rs 1.55 per unit. They have been given a rebate of 55 paise, and now they will have to pay Rs 1 per unit,” it said.


Around 11 lakh consumers falling in these two categories will benefit from the rebates. To give relief to farmers, the existing subsidised rate of electricity has also been reduced from 50 paise to 30 paise per unit. “In lieu of these reliefs, the state government will reimburse about Rs 90 crore annually to the HPSEBL,” the press note said. —

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