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Haryana Agricultural University gets patent for handicraft chair design

Hisar/Kurukshetra, April 26 Indian Patent Office has granted registration of the design to the researchers of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University for developing the design of handicraft chair. The design of the chair was done by two research...
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Hisar/Kurukshetra, April 26

Indian Patent Office has granted registration of the design to the researchers of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University for developing the design of handicraft chair. The design of the chair was done by two research students Ayesha and Meenu Jakhar under the supervision of Director of Human Resource Management Dr Manju Mehta of the University.


Vice-Chancellor BR Kamboj said that by developing handicraft designs, students will get opportunities to progress further in this field. Kamboj noted that in the last few years, HAU had applied to the Indian Patent, Design, Trademark and Copyright Office to obtain intellectual property rights for 119 innovations.

Director of Human Resource Management Dr Manju Mehta said two panels have been made in the chair, which are on the left and right sides. The right panel can be used to hold tools while drawing or painting and the left panel can be used to hold drawing sheets. Both the panels are foldable which follows the principle of space management. The back support and cushioning seat protects the person from back pain and spinal cord injury. An ergonomic foot rest is provided to improve comfort when sitting for long periods of time.


Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights at NIT

A workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP management for startups to observe World Intellectual Property Day was celebrated at the National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, by IPR and Startup Cell of the institute under the guidance of Institute Innovation Council (IIC) on Thursday.

Professor Lalit Mohan Saini, Coordinator IPR Cell, gave detailed information about the types of IPRs, how to file a patent application in the institute and informed that till date, NIT Kurukshetra has 44 patents, out of which 12 were granted in 2023 and 20 have been granted from January to April 2024.

MDU pupils apprised of IPR’s role in innovation

Intellectual property rights play an important role in promoting innovation and creativity, said Vice-Chancellor of BPSMV, Professor Sudesh, who was the chief guest at a national seminar organised at MDU, Rohtak.

In the seminar organised at the FDC Conference Hall, the speakers discussed intellectual property in detail and told the participants about copyrights, trademarks, GI tags and patents.

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