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Four days on, govt smart school in Muktsar still flooded with rainwater

Archit Watts Muktsar, July 10 Even four days after a heavy rain submerged several parts of Muktsar district, Government Primary Smart School, Doda village, is still flooded with rainwater. A total of 348 students are enrolled in this institute, which...
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Archit Watts

Muktsar, July 10


Even four days after a heavy rain submerged several parts of Muktsar district, Government Primary Smart School, Doda village, is still flooded with rainwater.

A total of 348 students are enrolled in this institute, which also houses the Block Primary Education Office and an anganwadi centre.


At present, the school is shut and dewatering work is still underway. The villagers said the school was situated in a low-lying area adjacent to a pond, which overflowed and flooded the institute.

“The school was under 4 ft water on Saturday. Now, the school authorities are engaged in dewatering,” said the villagers.

Santosh Kumari, Head Teacher, Government Primary Smart School, Doda village, said, “We are using water pumps and have managed to drain out rainwater from classrooms. However, the school complex is still waterlogged and no classes are being held. Earlier, too, this school was flooded.”

Daulat Ram, District Education Officer (DEO), Primary, Muktsar, said, “I have got a report from the school authorities. The school will be dewatered shortly. The village pond overflows during the monsoon and inundates the institute.”

Shinder Singh, former sarpanch, Doda village, said, “The low-lying areas in the village get flooded during the monsoon. The school is also situated in this area.”

Lakhwinder Singh, a schoolteacher, said, “Today, the students have been temporarily shifted to two other government primary schools.”

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