The story of a big scam...
In 1992, a storm descended on India’s financial scene, when the biggest securities scam was exposed by financial journalist Sucheta Dalal. Upcoming film Scam 1992 – The Harshad Mehta Story narrates that story on screen. Applause Entertainment is creating this thriller, based on Debashis Basu and Sucheta Dalal’s best-selling book The Scam. Celebrated theatre and movie actor Pratik Gandhi, who is known for his work in Gujarati theatre and cinema, portrays the role of one of the most controversial stock brokers of all times – Harshad Mehta.
Shreya Dhanwanthary, who has been in the news for her performance in recent shows like The Family Man and The Reunion, will be seen playing the role of the fierce journalist Sucheta Dalal. Director Hansal Mehta shared, “I am happy to be able to tell his story. We are nearing completion.”