Disney+ Hotstar announces School of Lies
Featuring Nimrat Kaur, Aamir Bashir, Geetika Vidya Ohlyan, Sonali Kulkarni, and others, Disney+Hotstar School of Lies is created by Ishani Banerjee and Avinash Arun Dhaware and produced by BBC Studios. School of Lies is a drama thriller set in the...
Featuring Nimrat Kaur, Aamir Bashir, Geetika Vidya Ohlyan, Sonali Kulkarni, and others, Disney+Hotstar School of Lies is created by Ishani Banerjee and Avinash Arun Dhaware and produced by BBC Studios. School of Lies is a drama thriller set in the fictional Dalton Town, surrounded by hills, where a young 12-year-old boy goes missing from a private boarding school, Rise, and the subsequent domino effect it causes.