Delhi Chief Minister Atishi visited the family of Sudheer, who was killed in a violent quarrel in Govindpuri here, at the AIIMS Trauma Centre on Saturday. Sudheer’s brother Prem and their friend Sagar also suffered injuries in the altercation over the use of a common toilet.
While Sagar was discharged from the hospital, Prem (22) is in a critical condition and was unfit to record his statement. Sudheer succumbed to multiple stab wounds.
Atishi expressed her anger and disappointment over deteriorating law and order situation in the city, particularly highlighting a recent surge in violent incidents.
“This is the same area where, just 100-200 meters away, an on-duty constable was shot dead two weeks ago. Today, another man was shot in the Shahdara area while on his morning walk,” she said while addressing the media after meeting the victim’s family.
The Chief Minister criticised the Central Government for its failure to ensure the safety of Delhi’s citizens.
“The BJP-led Central Government has only one responsibility in Delhi - to maintain law and order and ensure the safety of the people. It has completely failed in this task,” Atishi asserted.
She emphasised that the breakdown of law and order under the Central Government’s watch was evident, with rising incidents of violence and public insecurity.
“Today, no one feels safe stepping out of their house, no one feels safe going to a restaurant. There are shooting incidents in restaurants and car showrooms. The Centre has failed to provide basic security to Delhi’s people,” she said.
Atishi urged the Central Government to focus on its core duty of ensuring public safety. “People of Delhi are suffering. You need to do your job properly and restore law and order in Delhi. If you don’t, people of Delhi will have to come together to show you your rightful place,” she said.
Atishi also took to social media, expressing her frustration over the state of law enforcement. “I met the family of the victim of the stabbing incident in Govindpuri. The family has lost a member, while another is in critical condition. People are no longer safe, whether inside or outside their homes. I appeal to the Centre to take responsibility and restore law and order, or else the people of Delhi will teach them a lesson,” she wrote on ‘X’.