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Chandigarh MC to snap all water connections outside ‘lal dora’ in 22 UT villages

Transfers junior engineer allegedly providing connections to Daria residents
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Sandeep Rana

Chandigarh, June 21


Following allegations that its area junior engineer (JE) Sukhraj Singh, in connivance with local residents, is providing illegal water connections outside ‘lal dora’ in Daria village, the local Municipal Corporation not only transferred him, but also decided to remove such connections in all 22 UT villages.

The MC’s plan to give provisionary water connections to 2,128 consumers currently getting water supply illegally outside ‘lal dora’ in all 22 villages pending with the UT Administration.


“It has been alleged that Sukhraj Singh, JE, in connivance with residents, is providing illegal water connections, which is a serious matter and bringing bad name to the corporation,” stated NP Sharma, Chief Engineer, MC, in a letter to the Superintending Engineer, Public Health.

“A number of complaints are being received from the Mayor and councillors that illegal water connections are being provided in Daria, but no action had been taken by your office. Please pursue a video clipping sent to you on your WhatsApp number which clearly shows lack of supervision by your field staff in preventing illegal water connections by the residents,” he added.

The Chief Engineer stated that a committee had been formed to assess the illegal water connections in Daria. Thus, it has been directed to take immediate action for removal of illegal water connection on a daily basis, he added.

The Chief Engineer sought strict action against the officials, whose involvement in or providing illegal water connections in village is ascertained.

If about four-year-old MC proposal regarding providing temporary connections outside ‘lal dora’ for 2,128 consumers had got approved, the corporation would have earned an estimated revenue of Rs 4.01 crore in the first year. The “lal dora” is a red line, which separates the village habitation from agricultural land.

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