good health
Juice it up
Vegetable juices are a good way to minimise the harmful effects of toxins on our bodies
Dr Anjali Mukerjee Dr Anjali Mukerjee

As the world that we live in grows in technology and gets more gadgets and gizmos; it systematically interferes with our state of health. There is no place, where we do not encounter toxins. This includes home, school, workplace, on the road etc. Carbon monoxide is responsible for half of all air pollution. Other gases that pollute the air include nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbons etc.

These gases enter our bloodstream through the lungs, displace oxygen and can cause serious respiratory problems. Suspended particles in the air, when inhaled, result in bronchial irritation and asthma. Hydrocarbons can damage skin, liver, blood, central nervous system, lungs and sometimes kidney.

For those of you who have given up drinking milk, carrot juice is a good alternative
For those of you who have given up drinking milk, carrot juice is a good alternative

Tulsi juice
Tulsi juice

Amla is the richest source of vitamin C
Amla is the richest source of vitamin C

Turmeric juice can revitalise the immune system
Turmeric juice can revitalise the immune system

Toxins can enter our system through pesticides in food, chemicals in water and pollutants in the air, personal care products, perfumes, soaps, shampoo, fresh paints, furniture polish and drugs.

Toxins are omnipresent. But the effects of these toxins on each of us vary widely. These can be acute or chronic depending on the circumstances, dose and length of exposure. For example: if a person eats poorly, travels extensively, leads a highly stressed life, who suffers from toxic overload and does not exercise (due to lack of time or any other factor) will get more easily affected by these pollutants than a person who chooses to eat sensibly and lives healthily.

This means that whilst we have little control over problems that surround us, we can definitely gear up our machinery (body) to tackle these problems better. We cannot re-locate to the Himalayas to get away from these toxins, but we can definitely begin to look after ourselves. If we eliminate foods that contribute to our toxicity (sugar, maida, junk, refined foods) and eat those foods that help cleanse the body, our health will improve.

There are various methods with the help of which we can detoxify. Herbs, vitamins, minerals, vegetable juices, correct breathing techniques (pranayam), sauna, aromatherapy, exercise, etc. help in detoxification.

Juices that help

Juicing vegetables is the best way to improve the nutrient density of your diet, without adding too many calories. Raw vegetable juice provides the richest available food source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, much needed by our depleted bodies. Furthermore, juicing helps you to eat large quantities of raw food. For instance, you probably don't have time or the inclination to eat half to one kg of raw vegetables every day. But you can easily enjoy their health benefits by juicing various vegetables.

In addition, these also provide extra nutrients to help your body detoxify a large amount of environmental toxins. Drinking vegetable juices enables your body to easily assimilate the nutrients found in food. Raw vegetable juices contain enzymes which act as catalysts in the various metabolic reactions that take place within the body, thus improving absorption. Cooking destroys these enzymes and most vitamins present in the vegetables. Therefore, juicing is such an important addition to a busy lifestyle.

Vegetable juices that can be made at home

Amla and turmeric juice: Fresh amla and fresh turmeric have many therapeutic benefits. Amla is the richest source of vitamin C. It helps increase immunity, aids detoxification and promotes health and longevity. Half a cup of amla and turmeric juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey can be taken regularly in the morning to revitalise your immune system.

Carrot, beetroot and tomato juice: Take two tomatoes, two large red carrots and one fresh beetroot and pass all these through a juicer. This combination contains many biologically active components, which help to rejuvenate body's cells, detoxify the liver and ensure a glowing complexion.

It also contains nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, trace minerals like copper, iodine and highly digestible carbohydrates. Beetroot juice is a liver tonic. It reduces acidity and aids the elimination cycle. It revitalises the blood and nourishes with more antioxidant than most other juices.

Tulsi juice: The juice of tulsi leaves is known to be an excellent remedy for asthma, bronchitis, cold, cough, sinus problems, acidity, constipation and fever. The leaves of black tulsi have more medicinal properties than green tulsi. Crush about 20 to 25 leaves into a paste, add water, lime and salt and drink it twice a day to get optimum health benefits.

Carrot juice: This is a miracle juice. Rich in calcium, vitamin A, sodium, potassium, magnesium, it contains trace amounts of vitamins B, C, D, E and K. As calcium is a fussy mineral, it needs many other minerals to support its absorption.

Carrot juice provides the correct mix of nutrients to increase the bioavailability of calcium. You can use six to seven large carrots to make a glass of juice and drink it twice a day to derive its health benefits. All you need is a juicer.

For those of you who have given up drinking milk, carrot juice is a good alternative. It helps fight tumours, increases vigour, vitality, appetite and body weight. It helps improve functioning of the nervous system, improves skin, hair and nails and purifies the blood. You can also take carrot juice along with spinach juice.

Blend about 50 gm of spinach (palak) leaves (after washing them thoroughly in a vinegar solution). Add this paste to the extracted carrot juice. Squeeze lemon juice, add seasoning if required and take it for a period of two-three months. It strengthens immunity, prevents constipation, bleeding gums, anaemia, indigestion, colds and coughs.

Just as wrong food choices cause disease, knowledge of correct food and juices helps in prevention of disease. Try these juices at home as these offer real possibilities for the improvement of your health.

The writer is a nutritionist and Founder Director of Health Total. She treats obesity and related health disorders online. She can be reached at /