Good health
A weighty issue
Mickey Mehta

A negative self image, dissatisfaction with physical appearance and a low self-esteem among teenagers can result in some serious eating disorders

A major concern nowadays is teenage obesity. This is the period during which the body can accelerate its addition and deposition of fat cells. An increasing number of teenagers are overweight and are at risk of many medical problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and diabetes. Obesity can also affect their self-esteem.

How do I look? How am I perceived by an audience? These are some common questions most of us ask ourselves or our dear ones at times. These questions have a lot to do not with what we accessorise ourselves with, but our body weight and body structure. We usually prioritise "size" as the number 1 factor.

A very serious problem, especially among teenage girls, is pre-occupation with thinness. The extremity of this preoccupation could lead to a condition called ‘anorexia nervosa’. This is an eating disorder, which usually begins at the age of 14-18 year. This is due to an overwhelming fear of being overweight. This puts pressure on them to restrict calories and follow rigid diets which are often unhealthy. Some teenagers may experience a condition called ‘bulimia’, characterised by loss of control on food (binge eating) followed by purging.

Include vegetables in the diet in form of soups or juices

Risk factors include having a low self-esteem and being dissatisfied with their body. Complications of this disorder include fainting spells, due to low blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, constipation, reduced energy, mood changes, anaemia, kidney failure, ‘amenorrhea’ (absence of menstrual cycle), suicidal tendencies and withdrawal from family and friends.

The only cause of both of the above is: negative self image and dissatisfaction with physical appearance due to a number of reasons.

Anorexia Nervosa

Is a life-threatening, emotional disorder characterised by an obsession with food and weight. It is sometimes referred to as "starvation sickness" or "dieter’s disease". There is a complete hatred of body fat and it appears post the development of sexual characteristics somewhere around puberty, suggesting, thata girl fails to accept her female sexual identity and seeks to repress her development by distorting her body through extreme weight loss especially through absolute starvation with no consideration to hunger and nutrition, and immense physical activity. These girls rarely look at themselves and view their physical state in disgust and often withdraw themselves from social interactions.

Consequences: Weight loss of more than 15 per cent of body weight, cessation on menstruation, depression, isolation, severe growth retardation, metabolic abnormalities, severe constipation, low blood pressure, dehydration, slow heart rate, low self esteem and disturbed social relations etc.

Anorexia Bulimia

Teenagers with eating disorders should consume 3-4 servings of fruits every day

It is also known as binge-purge syndrome. It is characterised by rapid consumption of large quantities of high-calorie food. These individuals are normally over-weight or obese and hence unhappy with their body structures.

Due to their immense love for food they binge eat, and purge or intentionally vomit, use laxatives for instant diarrhoea, enemas and diuretics or indulge in over-strenuous, high-intensity physical activity, due to their concern over body weight and heavy guilt towards binge-eating. These are mostly females between 12-21years of age.

Being highly impulsive, these women are often kleptomaniacs, commonly stealing food to satisfy their desire to eat.

Consequences: Anxiety, depression, mood swings, loss of ability to perceive sense of fullness, low self-esteem, metabolic abnormalities, abdominal abnormalities, ulcers in the mouth, inflamed throat, inflamed digestive tract, poor social relationships, poor cognition etc.

The treatment should be planned well and requires psychotherapy and counselling. They will also require nutritional and medical guidance to ensure steady and slow weight gain and to tackle medical complications. Good nutrition and counselling can help reverse most of these consequences but that is only after realisation of the above syndromes since most of the anorexics don’t admit they are suffering from anorexia.

What to eat

  • Eat little but frequently. Eat a wide variety of foods which include plenty of vegetables, sprouts and pulses, fruits and whole grain cereals.

  • Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fats and cholesterol.

  • Include foods rich in proteins since these have a higher satiety value.

  • Consume at least 3-4 servings of fruits every day. For anorexics: these are very low on calories but very high on nutrients. For bulimics: though these are low on calories these will keep hunger in control.

  • Anorexics may consume their favourite dishes as they are grossly underweight and their favourites may help in reversing the condition.

  • Bulimics should include high-calorie, healthy carbohydrates such as barley, whole wheat, jowar, ragi etc.

  • Vegetables in the form of soups or juices may be had intermittently.

  • Adequate amount of water should be consumed to eradicate dehydration.

Benefits of good nutrition

Teenage girls are obsessed about their weight

Proper eating habits are extremely crucial, especially in adolescent, where growth in terms of height, weight, strength is significant through an overall physical well-being. Bone, nerve and tissue growth takes place during this phase of life. And for optimum growth in all areas, good nutrition is must. Failure to eat well, as in the case of above conditions, nutritional deficiencies develop which can become fatal to an extent to cause mental derangements, emotional instability, physical retardation, reduced strength and stamina, poor immunity hence high susceptibility to infections.

Exercise programme

Indulgence in low to moderate intense activities or participating in sports such as swimming, cycling, running, basket ball, volley ball, yoga, power yoga, gymnastics, calisthenics, aerobics etc would help restore the body weight back to normal, build muscle, strengthen heart and lungs, improve immunity, relieve depression and nervous tension, promote recovery with psychological and mental health restoration and improvement in intellectual performance.

Often the reason behind most of the consequences, good or bad, is our actions and our thoughts. The almighty has gifted us a beautiful body, efforts should be made in order to maintain its beauty instead of constantly abusing it towards deterioration.

The writer is one of the leading holistic health gurus and has a health portal