Karuna Goswamy


1. Mischievous child; naughty devil

3 Great lake in Kashmir

6.How the Indian rupee is called in

financial markets (inits.)

7.Boredom; weariness

8.Was the mascot of Asian Games once

9. Spoil; destroy

12. Set of beliefs; faith

14. Forepart of the foot

15.A starchy, tuberous root

16. Music very popular among the young


1. New Islamic militant group (inits.)

2. Circumference; perimeter

3. Female of the deer, antelope etc.

4. A city in Lancashire, England

5. Stiffly neat; excessively proper

10. Continuous dull pain

11. Quick sharp cry, like a dog ’s

13. Pong is one; so is Bhakra