Of agony and apathy
Reviewed by Kanwalpreet Baidwan

Life and Times of Unborn Kamla 
by K.K. Varma.
Palimpsest, New Delhi. Pages 169.  Rs 275

Life and Times of Unborn KamlaFemale foeticide is still a rampant practice in our country. Sex-selective abortion is a thriving industry as the unethical and illegal practice continues unabated. The government is making a lot of efforts to combat the problem but illiteracy, poverty and ignorance of people are the obstacles preventing the change. KK Varma discusses various issues pertaining to women and their position in our society in detail in his book, Life and Times of Unborn Kamla. Besides female foeticide, Varma has highlighted the plight of women in his book. The cases that he has brought forth send shivers down the spine as each is more gruesome than the other.

The merciless killing of the girl child has led to a strange situation in the last few years. The area that registers maximum cases of female foeticide also has the maximum number of unmarried men. It has resulted in the concept of wife sharing. The author writes, "However, most of these girls were getting married, not to one single man, but to brothers!" What is further appalling is that even women are a party to this crime.They know what is happening but prefer to keep quiet.

The author has researched extensively on the issue by undertaking various case studies. Former athlete PT Usha has also complimented the author for doing the same, "With meticulous research and extensive field work, he ( the author) has presented before us the killing fields, which exist more inside us than in the open." The book opens with the story of Kammo, a migrant from Nepal, who is bought by a family. A young bride, she enters the household, trying to fit in but a nightmare awaits her. She is not spared by any man in the family. She turns a rebel when she is forced to abort a female foetus and manages to escape. Helped by an NGO, she starts a tea-shop and a new life as well.

There are a lot of NGOs working to rescue such women. The author travelled to different parts of country to take note of the situation. He found that in certain sections of the society women cannot even choose how to spend their lives, leave aside fighting gory crimes. But these cases are punctuated by stories of women who had the grit and determination to change their destiny. These women also come to the rescue of others dealing with the same issues. This book shocks you with its content but offers hope in the form of women who are fighting the injustices meted out to them and other women in the society.