Soul talk
Hungry men crave bigger women

Hunger doesn't just mean men will want a bigger portion of food, research shows they also want bigger women. Both men and women crave bigger partners when they are hungry but men in particular desire voluptuous women while women want larger, heavier set men. And these feelings fade when they are not hungry any more. Dr Viren Swami, Psychologist at Westminster University, asked 266 men to rate cartoons of women in terms of attractiveness. Hungrier men selected bigger women as hunger can change your perception of attractiveness. A larger partner suggests they have been successful at finding food and can supply them with sustenance.

Feed veggies with a softer pitch

According to Ayelet Fishbach, a professor of behavioural science and marketing at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and co-author of a paper published in Journal of Consumer Research in October, the best way to present vegetable to kids is to pitch them with no message at all. The study highlights the disadvantages of overzealous marketing, however heartfelt. Two researchers devised a series of experiments that they conducted aided by a YMCA outside Chicago. Three groups of children were narrated a story about a girl who ate wheat flakes. For each group a different version was used, one highlighting that it made her strong and healthy, in the other they were said to be yummy and the third group did not get any description. The number of crackers that each group ate varied sharply. The ones who were told it was healthy ate three on an average, the ones who were told that they were yummy ate 7.2 and those with no detailing ate a whopping 9. The experiment gave similar results with carrots.

Major surgeries a pain for men

Gender plays an important role when it comes to the amount of pain a person feels after major surgeries. A recent Austrian study conducted on 10,000 people found that women experience more pain after minor procedures such as a biopsy while men felt it more acutely after major operations. Dr Andreas Sandner-Kiesling, co-author of the study conducted at the Medical University of Graz, Austria, said that patients were reviewed for pain for four days after the surgeries and it was found that 27 per cent men and 34 per cent women were more likely to report pain after major and minor surgeries. — Compiled by Aditi Garg

Birth order a deciding factor in ambition

Research has found that first-born daughters are the most ambitious. At the University of Essex, Feifei Bu studied 3,552 people who were organised into 1,503 sibling groups by the British Household Panel Survey. In the comparisons, gender was an important factor as first-born girls were 13 per cent more ambitious that first born boys and the former were also 4 per cent more likely to be more educated. In terms of birth order, 7 per cent first-born kids were more likely to aspire to continue their education and had 16 per cent higher chance of completing higher education than their younger siblings.