Army’s angels
Reviewed by Upendra Bhatnagar

Fast forward
by C.M.Nimbalkar. 
Frog Books. Pages 157. Rs 150

This book deals with three firebrand girls who are Army aspirants and want to serve the nation. Parmeshwar Kumari Malik (Pam), Anushka Limaye (Anu), and Radhika Sharma belong to different strata of society and states, but ultimately become bosom pals. They develop an attatchment with each other.

Parmeshwar Kumari joins the elite Intelligence Corps, Anushka Limaye becomes a Paratrooper and Radhika opts for the Air Force as a pilot. Soon all the three get separated due to professional compulsions but they remained in constant touch. Parmeshwar Kumari Malik belongs to a conservative Jat family of Haryana. After a strong protest by the family members, she emerges as victorious and ultimately in pursuance of her studies joins IAS coaching. A newspaper advertisement changed her vision for life. The advertisement read: "Commission in Army for Women". She applied and got selected and ultimately joined Officer's Training Academy, Chennai. Anushka belonged to an Army officer's family. Her father Lt. General Madhukar Limay was a third-generation officer in 55th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment. Fully supported by the family, Anushka joined family tradition by joining the Army. Radhika Sharma’s husband Major Rajeev Sharma of 344 Air Op Flight Wing was posted at Bareilly Air base. During a rescue mission, he lost his life as his helicopter crashed. On compassionate grounds, Radhika was offered a commission in the Indian Army. She qualified and joined the Indian Air Force. Circumstances once again brought them together when they had to launch an anti-terrorist operation and the three Angels were an integral part of the mission. The happiest moment was when Col.Sudhir Verma proposed to her and the same was accepted with the blessings of both the families. The book is written simply and is a good read.