Rights of differently abled
Pushpa Girimaji Pushpa Girimaji

My daughter lost both her legs in an accident and is on a wheelchair. She wants to study computer science, but most colleges do not enable movement (on the wheelchair) within the campus. How can I ensure that her dream is fulfilled?

The All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has issued guidelines to all technical colleges to ensure removal of any impediment to free movement of differently abled persons. Colleges must ensure facilities are in place for mobility and independent functioning of differently abled persons. Says AICTE: It is also a fact that many institutes have architectural barriers that disabled persons face in day-to-day functioning.

Disability rights activists march against the delay in introducing the Rights to Persons with Disabilities Bill
Disability rights activists march against the delay in introducing the Rights to Persons with Disabilities Bill. Photo Sarabjit Singh

Colleges are expected to address accessibility related issues as per stipulations of the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995, and ensure that all existing structures as well as future construction projects in their campuses are disabled friendly. This includes special facilities such as ramps, rails and special toilets, and necessary changes to suit the special needs of differently abled persons. The college is duty-bound to comply. If not, please complain to AICTE and ensure that the college realises its responsibilities.

The AICTE has also instructed all technical colleges to empower differently abled persons with special equipment, so as to augment educational services for them. The University Grants Commission too has issued detailed guidelines to all colleges. Differently abled have a right to demand equal opportunities as guaranteed under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.

You can complain to the Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (see website: or the State Commissioner. Banks must ensure banking facilities for differently abled as laid down in detailed guidelines by Reserve Bank of India and the Indian Banks Association.