soul talk
Good news for active gaming fans

According to a recent study, active gaming adds to activity levels of kids, helping obese ones lose weight. Senior author, Dr Deneen Vojta says that it is doubly beneficial as the kids are interested in their screen time and instead of making it a stand-off between them and the parents, it can be turned into something favourable. Seventyfive overweight and obese kids were recruited from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Texas and divided into two groups. Over a period of 16 weeks, they were put on a weight-management programme at YMCAs and schools. One group was also introduced to Xbox active games. They were given two active games and it was found that these kids added a few extra minutes of vigorous to moderate activity to their routine as a result of the game and they ended up losing weight.

Watching romantic films together decreases chances of divorce

Rom-Coms could save your marriage, says a study conducted by researchers from University of Rochester and University California Los Angeles. The study took into account 174 couples and studied the effect of varied counselling on their relationship for first three years of marriage. Dividing them into four groups, one got concentrated skill-focused counselling, another one was taught working through troubles, yet another underwent a Relationship Awareness Programme and the last group was made to forgo any kind of counselling. Those in the Relationship Awareness Programme watched romantic films together and talked about the films and their relationship. It was found that they were the least likely to separate.

Shopping does make you happier

The Benefits Of Retail Therapy: Making Purchase Decisions Reduces Residual Sadness, a paper published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology professes that shopping indeed makes one less sad. The author attributes sadness to a loss of control of situations and shopping restores that control, making you reduce sadness. Shoppers were divided into those making purchases — choosers, and those doing window shopping — browsers. It was found that the 79 per cent choosers felt more in control and were also three times less sad as compared to 2 per cent browsers who felt in control.

Grocery stores vs department stores

It has been found that an increasing number of shoppers are choosing to shop at department stores as opposed to grocery stores, implying a bleak future for grocery stores. A new study by King Retail Solutions, a retail design firm, with University of Arizona shows that consumers are flocking to big-box stores like Walmart and Target TGT along with convenience stores and pharmacy chains. Of the 1200 shoppers surveyed, 77 per cent bought groceries from a non-grocer. Wealthier shoppers were more likely to shop at bigger non-grocery stores. — AG

Eye-tracking software reveals what shoppes look at

German AI software company, EyeQuant, has offered a software that tracks what what shoppes look at on websites. The study took into account 46 people and it was found that as they looked at the 200 products under test conditions at the neuroscience lab at University of Osnabrueck, they focused more on the headline text and search bar as opposed to faces. As much as we feel they would be looking at the word 'Free', they are more interested in the description of products. They also overlooked a lot of the branding, such as the company logo.