Commonsense solution
H. Kishie Singh H. Kishie Singh

"We Care For You," is the very assuring motto of Chandigarh Police. And there is no doubt that they do care for us and that they do a tremendous job, often in the face of overwhelming odds. The traffic police have their own share of burdens with unruly traffic, VIP movement, not to mention VIP brats and the restrictions on vehicular movement. One of these restrictions, which comes up regularly every weekend and has been a regular feauture for the last couple of years has left the residents of Sector 5 exasperated and irritated. On Sundays, the approach to the Lake is closed at the roundabout where Sarovar Path and Vigyan Path meet.

This is at the eastern end of Sectors 5 and 8. To get close to the Lake, motorists have to take Vigyan Path. Helpfully (?) the police, then divert traffic at the first exit right, which is into Sector 5. It leads on to Uttar Marg. Thousands of holiday makers on a Sunday afternoon cut through the heart of Sector 5, creating a living nightmare for the residents. Loud music, littering, raising dust, incessant blowing of horns and making a nuisance of themselves, which Indian motorists are famous for. Sunday evenings when the senior citizens in Sector 5 are out for a walk, with their grandchildren in perambulators, children are playing cricket or football in the park adjacent to this road, all are in danger of being run over. That too on their front doorstep. Residents of house number 1, 2, 3 and 4 have an impossible time trying to drive out of their homes to go shopping or for attending social functions. Friends who come visiting them have an equally hard time.

"We care for you," is not working. A residential road may not be used as a thoroughfare or as a diversion, except in an emergency. Especially when there is a sector divider road a mere couple of hundred metres away, Himalaya Marg which is designed to handle heavy volume of traffic. Holiday traffic can be heavy for the Lake and the internal roads of any sector, which are meant exclusively for the residents and their personal visitors, cannot be used to divert this traffic. What has to be done is as follows. There seems to be no alternative. It is a commonsense solution. Corbusier had forseen such a problem and provided a solution beforehand. unique. Sadly, the police has missed the forest because of the trees. The solution was staring them in the face from the word "go." Traffic intended for Uttar Marg must go to the Himalaya Marg and Vigyan Path roundabout. The entry point midway on Vigyan Path into Sector 5 should be only for the residents and not a general thoroughfare. It would relieve the residents of their week-end agony. Happy Motoring!