Soul talk
Increased use of social media

Pew Research Centre has put forth the results of an Internet Project that points out that 73 per cent adults now use social media networking of some sort. Facebook leads in the platforms that they use for networking online in terms of number of users. At the same time 42 per cent of online users have taken to using many different social media sites. Adult Facebook users have increased slightly from late 2012 when 67 per cent adult users were using Facebook to 71 per cent. The study was based on a sample of 1,801 adults above 18 years of age via telephonic interviews.

Intuition can predict happiness

The Journal, Science, says that the gut feeling that a newly married person has about their relationship has the ability to precisely predict whether or not they are likely to find long term happiness. Associate Professor of Psychology, James K. McNulty undertook the four year-long study where 135 newlywed couples were made test subjects. According to the study, how they said they felt about the marriage had little effect on how happy they were. But when their gut feelings were accessed by a computerised test, those with positive gut-feelings were happier over a period of time after their marriage as compared to those who had a negative feeling about their marriage.

Compiled by Aditi Garg