Karuna Goswamy


1. Jaunty and stylish

3. How Shakespeare is often referred to

5. Make a mistake; go wrong

6. The god of Death in Hindu mythology

8. ___ Mater is where you studied

10. Angry; wrathful

12. USA ’s top tax body (inits.)

13.Top medical institute in Chandigarh (inits.)

14. Dodge; avoid

17. Initials written on the Cross

18. Abrar __, writer of Kaaghaz ke Phool

19. Biblical figure of whom Jesus was a descendant

20.Back of the neck

21.Stratford on __, Shakespeare ’s birth place


1. “___, heal Thyself!” is the saying

2.Gibran ’s “Between a __ and a Smile ”

3. Spoilt, annoying child

4. Languages spoken in south India

7. Stingy, avaricious person

9. Sir ___ Griffin, historian of Punjab

11. ___ Gardner, Hollywood beauty

15. Repulsive; disgusting

16. What computers can store
