Webside humour
Sunil Sharma

Low tea

One day the wife was out and the husband was in charge of their three years' old daughter. The little girl was playing with her toy 'tea set' which was one of her favourite toys. The husband was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when the little girl brought a little cup of "tea" for her daddy, which was just water. He drank it and praised for such yummy tea. After several cups of tea and lots of praise the Mom came home. The husband made her wait in the living room to watch her bring him a cup of tea, because it was "just the cutest thing!!"

The Mom waited, and sure enough, the little girl came down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy and he drink it. In utter astonishment, the wife said: "Didn't it ever occur to you that the only place that baby can reach to get water is from the toilet"?

Licked clean

A minister was asked to dinner by one of his parishioners. The parishioner was known as being an unkempt housekeeper. When the minister sat down at the table, he noticed that the dishes were the dirtiest that he had ever seen in his life.

"Were these dishes ever washed?" he asked his hostess, running his fingers over the grit and grime.

She replied, "The dishes are as clean as soap and water could clean them."

The minister felt a bit apprehensive, but he blessed the food anyway and started eating. The food was really delicious and the minister said so, despite the dirty dishes.

When the dinner was over, the minister saw the hostess took the dishes outside and shouted for her two dogs, "Here Soap! Here Water!"


A woman came to a garment store and asked for a pair of white athletic socks. The salesman gave her a packed pair of white socks.

"Will you open this up so I can see how the socks feel?" she asked.

Reluctantly he tore open the package, and she scrutinised the merchandise. She handed him the package, saying, "I'll take them."

Relieved, he started to ring up the sale, until she interrupted him: "Can I have another pack? This one's been opened."


A leader was giving a speech at his lodge meeting. He got a bit carried away and talks for two hours.

Finally, he realised what was doing and said: "I'm sorry I talked so long. I left my watch at home."

A voice from the back of the room said: "But there's a calendar behind you."

Truthful thieves

A witness is testifying before the court, and the prosecuting attorney is asking him questions.

"You witnessed the robbery, sir?"


"What was stolen?"

"Two televisions"

"Did you see the thieves?"


"Could you identify them?"


"Are the two men who stole the televisions in this courtroom?"

At this point, the two defendants raised their hands.