good motoring
New Year resolutions to make driving a joy
H. Kishie Singh

Here are 10 resolutions for the New Year. If you follow even some of them, driving will be a joy. Follow all, it will be a breeze.

In India, we drive on the left-hand side of the road.

We do not drive in the centre lane or the extreme right-and lane, which is exclusively for overtaking. This will ensure a smooth drive for everyone.

Don't blow the horn constantly.

Controlling road rage ensures safe, smooth driving
Controlling road rage ensures safe, smooth driving

Indian drivers are addicted to this nasty habit. If necessary, flash your headlights. They can be easily seen, day or night and don’t cause noise pollution.

If in the left-hand lane and a car attempts to overtake, take your foot off the accelerator for just a moment.

This makes the overtake maneouvre quicker and safer. An Alto driver being overtaken by a Porsche feels insulted and will attempt to race. Avoid this. This attitude is a sure-shot recipe for disaster.

While following a car, if you need to turn left, slow down

Then you can indicator on and turn left and continue. Most drivers speed up, overtake and turn left, cutting off the other driver. This causes a collision.

Indicators are to indicate a left or right turn. Nothing else.

Most drivers use them at roundabouts. Don't! Just be in the correct lane. Right indicator means a right turn, it does not mean a "pass" to the following driver. Hazard flashers (all four) are to be used only when stationery, not while on the move. Using indicators incorrectly will confuse the driver behind and lead to wrong judgement an an accident.

Loud music is a distraction for other drivers and acts as an insulation.

Outside sounds like a warning horn are blocked out due to loud music. Some people have a music system pumping out 1000 Watts or more of sound. What for? Loud music of the bang-bang crash-crash variety also tends to make the driver aggressive. Gentle soothing music is the answer.

Give priority to traffic on your right at all times.

This is specially applicable at roundabouts. Allow the cars in the roundabout to exit before entering. It's like getting into a lift, if you don't allow the people to exit, you can't get in.

Drive on low beam.

It is a bad habit to drive on a high beam plus foglights, that too in Chandigarh which has a reputation of having the best-lit roads in the country. High beams are a major contributing factor towards fatigue build-up and cause of accidents.

Overtaking from the left is a major cause of accidents.

Try and avoid this. To increase the danger-level, most drivers do not use rear-view mirrors. It's like having eyes at the back of your head. Your field of vision increases twice over, thereby increasing your safety on chaotic roads.

Driving fast is fun. It is also dangerous.

Your speed should depend on how far you can see. Can you stop at this distance? While going around a corner, you must slow down because your line of sight has decreased. For night driving, this is of vital importance. Make sure that you can stop in the distance illuminated by the headlights. Beyond that, a big black water buffalo could be waiting to give you a nasty surprise.

Please smile at the next car’s driver. Indian drivers have a frown botoxed into their faces.