An acid test
A typical modern diet, largely made up of acid-forming foods like processed cereals, sugars and high proteins, fats and excess sodium can cause acidosis. Our bodies are alkaline by design but acidic in nature. Maintaining proper alkalinity is essential to life, vitality and health
Mickey Mehta

With urbanisation, modern lifestyles and easy access to processed and preserved unhealthy foods, a large number of people living in this modern world suffer from illnesses or diseases caused by the stress of acidosis, otherwise known as acidification of the body. A typical modern diet is largely made up of acid-forming foods like processed cereals, sugars and high proteins, fats and excess sodium. Alkaline-producing foods like vegetables and fruits are eaten in smaller quantities. Stimulants like tobacco, tea, coffee, alcohol and stress are the main promoters of acidification and the illnesses that follow.

In their quest for quick weight loss or to build muscle mass, many people are opting to go on fad diets or using supplements thus making a plethora of eating blunders. There is still a lot of confusion as to what constitutes a good diet and what needs to be incorporated to avoid this condition known as acidosis.

Most foods are alkaline in nature while a typical non-vegetarian diet that is high in animal products like meats, eggs, or regular consumption of dairy products, white flour, soft drinks and alcohol are mostly acid producing. Foods are classified as acid and alkaline based on the remnants or residue produced after the process of digestion and metabolism. Acidosis is a condition when the body becomes over acidic. Alkalosis occurs when the body becomes too alkaline.

The causes of acidosis are improper diet, obesity, ketosis, stress, kidney disorders and liver disorders. To maintain good health our diet should be 60-80 per cent alkaline. We need to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (alkaline in nature) to balance the excess and food combinations or the high protein diets that people resort to which are mainly acidifying foods. A diet that is high in processed foods, simple carbohydrates like sugars is not just acid forming but can also raise the blood sugar levels.

It has been said that our bodies are alkaline by design but acidic in nature. Maintaining proper alkalinity is essential to life, vitality and health. In other words, an imbalance of alkalinity creates an ideal condition or environment for the growth of bacteria, yeast and unwanted organisms. All the cells in our body are slightly alkaline in nature. This must be maintained in order to remain healthy.

Most of the degenerative diseases, including arthritis, osteoporosis, heart diseases, gall and kidney stones and cancer are associated with excess acidity in the body.

Chronic metabolic acidosis can result in osteoporosis as the excess acid depletes the mineral reserves and impairs bone growth and rebuilding. Metabolic acidosis is caused by diets which are high in proteins, fats, phosphates, stress and allergic reactions.

Avoid excess intake of meats as these take more time to digest making you feel heavy and bloated

Sugar, chocolates and saturated fats are acid- forming foods

About 80 per cent of our food intake must be alkaline fruits to help maintain the ph balance

Most vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, onions, peppers, carrots, etc are alkaline

Vegetables from the gourd family like pumpkins and squashes are alkaline-rich foods

Symptoms of over acidity (acidosis):

1. Obesity, diabetes, impaired digestion and elimination.

2. Cardiovascular damage.

3. Lowered immunity leading to frequent colds and infections.

4. Early aging.

5. Osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain.

6. Low stamina, energy levels/ chronic fatigue.

7. Excess stomach acid and gastritis.

8. Nutritional deficiencies.

In today's stressful times, being healthy is of paramount importance with emphasis on a disciplined lifestyle as the major factor that influences our health. Foods that are designed to be digested easily by the human system are the ones that provide energy and nourishment. It is crucial to fulfil our body with nourishment and not just cater to your hunger with improper combinations and choices.

Eliminate unhealthy foods and opt for foods that are wholesome and natural in order to correct, purify, rejuvenate and restore your body to its natural rhythm. The principle of proper food combinations is to prevent putrefaction and fermentation, to ensure no gas, no heartburn, and no indigestion and to know that the wonderful light feeling is within your grasp!

The list of alkaline rich foods is unending. About 80 per cent of our food intake must be alkaline vegetables and fruits to help maintain the ph balance leading to better health and longer life span.

Some alkaline-rich foods

Most vegetables like squashes, pumpkins, alfalfa, broccoli, beans, beets, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, lettuce, kale, onions, pumpkin, peppers, tomato, radish, watercress.

Fruits like melons, peaches, apples, oranges, apricot, avocado, berries, banana, cantaloupe, dates, figs, grapefruit, pineapple, strawberries, pomegranates etc. Millets, herbs, lemon, ginger and almonds are alkaline rich foods.

acid-forming foods

Canned and preserved vegetables and fruits, bran, barley, bread, wheat, white flour, noodles, pasta or macaroni, rice, spaghetti, kidney beans, most beans, soy milk, butter, cheese, milk, sugars, chocolates, saturated fats.

Steps to curb acidosis and to restore the ph balance:

1 Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, raw foods like salads, sprouts and other vegetables.

2 Incorporate as much fruits as possible as these require no cooking or preparation and can even be a complete meal in itself.

3 Keep a check on oil, salt and sugar consumption.

4 Reduce or avoid excess intake of meats as these take more time to digest making you feel heavy and bloated.

5 Drink plenty of water to wash off all toxins and to keep you rejuvenated.

6 Reduce stress by regular moderate exercises yoga and meditation.

7 Ensure you get good rest and sleep for maximum vitality.

The writer is one of the leading holistic health gurus and has a health portal