C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Inspector's murder
Sucha Singh’s killers get life term
Who thought a protector would turn killer, says court; victim's son happy with verdict
Aneesha Sareen
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
Holding that the convicts had taken the life of a sober and meritorious police officer, Inspector Sucha Singh, the court of District and Sessions Judge SK Aggarwal today sentenced dismissed UT constable Basant Kumar and his girlfriend Sarita to life imprisonment. The two, who were convicted yesterday, would spend the rest of their lives in prison, the court said. The case has been decided through a speedy trial, two months after the framing of charges. The case was decided in just 12 hearings and six months after the commission of the crime.

“Accused Basant, alias Bunty, once part of a disciplined force, has spoiled his own life by spoiling the life of a senior police officer who was also part of the same force. Basant, while joining the duty, must have thought of serving the people by protecting their lives, liberty and property, and nobody knew at that time that one day the same fellow would take the law in his own hands and won't hesitate in killing even an innocent senior police officer without any rhyme or reason,” the court said in its order.

Inspector Sucha Singh was murdered on the intervening night of June 7 and 8 this year by constable Basant and Sarita after they were rounded up on suspicion. The couple was on the run for committing a double murder in Haryana and they killed the Inspector for fear of getting caught here, the prosecution said.

Earlier, while pleading for capital punishment for the convicts, the public prosecutor said the life of an innocent police Inspector was brought to an end by the accused in a ghastly manner. It was stated that the two were also facing a trial before a court in Sonepat and were habitual offenders.

“Such a crime deserves a jerk of the hangman’s rope to have the taste of death, this being the gravest of the grave and the rarest of the rare crimes,” said the public prosecutor while seeking death for the two.

While pronouncing life sentence for the two, the court said the crime did not fall in the rarest of the rare categories and thus the two were sentenced to life.

Earlier, while pleading before the court to show leniency, convict Basant said he was only 22 years of age and had been falsely implicated and thus a lenient view should be taken. Co-accused Sarita, while pleading for leniency, said she was just 21 years of age and was in the family way (seven months' pregnant) and thus a lenient view should be taken.

UT Inspector Sucha Singh was murdered and a Home Guards volunteer Jatinder Singh was critically injured right opposite the Sector 17 police station near the old district courts building. Inspector Sucha Singh, posted with the traffic wing, was on night patrolling along with his driver Jatinder Singh when they rounded up the couple, who were on foot, on suspicion. Basant stabbed both of them and fled with Sarita after snatching their Gypsy, which they later abandoned.

While pronouncing the order, the court relied on direct evidence in the case, the CFSL report, statements of eyewitnesses and the dying declaration of the Inspector.

None from victim's family present in court

As the court pronounced the orders, no one from the Inspector’s family was present in the court. Satisfied after the verdict, Inspector Sucha Singh’s son Parminder Singh, alias Prince, who is out of station, said he was happy that the accused had been punished through a speedy trial. “I am very happy with the verdict and justice has prevailed. My father will not return, but the fact that his killers have been severely punished brings some solace to the family,” he said.

“While I am out of town, I did not want to come to court as it would have been difficult for me to restrain myself on seeing my father’s killers. My blood boils on seeing them,” he said. Prince has applied for the post of ASI on compassionate grounds and is awaiting recruitment. He was en route to Canada when the murder occurred and had then settled in India to take care of his family after his father’s death.

Accused show no remorse

Walking in the court with a confident gait and showing no signs of remorse, convict Basant looked like a young college student. As the quantum of sentence was about to be pronounced, Basant pleaded before the Judge that he wanted to be shifted to another jail before the sentence and moved an application in this regard. The Judge directed the application to be forwarded to the IG (Prisons). “I fear a threat to my life in Burail Jail; they will not let me stay here,” he said later. Sarita, too, did not show any emotion when the orders were pronounced and was without remorse. Both kept pleading that they had been falsely implicated in the case and were without any expression of guilt.

What the court ordered

  • Convict Basant: Life imprisonment and a fine of Rs 32,000; convicted under Sections 302, 332 and 397 of the IPC and Section 25 of the Arms Act.
  • Convict Sarita: Life imprisonment and a fine of Rs 29,000; convicted under Sections 302, 332 and 397 of the IPC.



pinki’s murder
Police still clueless; begin door-to-door search in Palsora
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
Seven days after 11-year-old Pinki was kidnapped from Palsora village and four days after her body was found, the UT police woke up from their slumber today and conducted a door-to-door search and verification of houses in the village to gather any clues in the case. The belated exercise of the UT police saw the formation of 11 teams, which conducted searches to look for leads in the case.

The exercise met with sharp criticism not only from Pinki’s family but also area residents, who said had the police conducted such an exercise earlier, an innocent life could have been saved.

The UT police is still clueless in the case even four days after Pinki’s body was found in a sack in Sector 52. The police teams are now scouring Palsora village and gathering information from residents.

“This exercise means nothing now,” an area resident, Bhago Devi, said. “The child could have easily been recovered had the police done it earlier.” As part of the exercise, the police also distributed tenant verification

forms among residents. The police have miserably failed to keep any record of tenants in the area all these days and there was negligible verification in the area.

Ram Kirpal, Pinki’s father, said they got the kidnapping case registered on November 27 and there was no search then. “I have lost my daughter; the police have swung into action only now,” he said.

“It's part of the investigations and we are leaving no stone unturned to look for any lead in the case,” said one of the members of the SIT.

FIR not uploaded

The UT police have failed to upload the FIR pertaining to the murder case registered on December 1 on the website. The police website only has the FIR of the kidnapping case that was registered on November 27.

Police yet to add rape section

Even though the postmortem report has clearly stated sexual assault, the UT police have failed to add Section 376 of the IPC in the FIR on the pretext that the autopsy report is not clear. Sources in the GMSH, Sector 16, said the doctor who conducted the postmortem had gone on three-day leave following which the police would have to wait for a reply to the questionnaire sent to the doctors. The police had asked the doctors to clarify whether the girl was raped or not.



Class XII student commits suicide
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, December 4
An 18-year-old boy committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan at his residence in Sector 6 late last night.

The victim, Saiyyam Khurana, was found hanging from the ceiling fan by his father in the wee hours today.

He was rushed to General Hospital, Sector 6, here, where he was declared brought dead. The police was informed about the incident.

No suicide note was found from the spot.

The police said he was reportedly in depression over the past few days.

Saiyyam’s father is a businessman and has a shop in Sector 20, Chandigarh.

The autopsy was conducted today and the body was handed over to the deceased’s family. The victim, a student of Class XII, was studying in a Chandigarh school.


MC wants full control over Rose Fest
Rajinder Nagarkoti
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
Feeling neglected at being "sidelined" at Rose Festival, the Municipal Corporation councillors have staked complete ownership to the annual event, stating that while they put in maximum efforts to ensure the success of the show, it was the UT officials who got all accolades.

Earlier, the UT Administration used to hold the event. But for the last two years, the UT and the MC had been jointly organising the festival in the Rose Garden, Sector 16.

At a recent meeting of the Finance and Contract Committee (F&CC), the issue was discussed and the members of the committee and the MC officials were ready to hold the event singlehandedly. Soon, they will also send a letter in this regard to the UT Administration, an MC official said.

Deputy Mayor Satish Kainth said the MC was capable of holding the festival single-handedly. Moreover, musical nights generate a huge revenue and when the MC is spending nearly 35 lakh on the event, why should not it control the entire event? The pass-distribution system of the UT Administration is also not good as councillors get only one or two passes and that too at the last moment, he added.

SAD Councillor Malkiat Singh said the MC had the machinery and manpower and it should hold the event single-handedly.

Another councillor said sometimes, the UT officials also refused to provide seats to accommodate the family members of the councillors.

A committee member said the MC organised every events like flower competition, kite-flying contest during the festival while the musical nights were organised by the Tourism Department of the UT Administration. These were the main attraction of the festival and sponsors also take interest in the star nights, he added

The MC has already approved Rs 35 lakh budget for the Rose Festival, which will be organised from February 21 to 23.

What MC councillors feel

  • Councillors feel neglected in the distribution of passes for the musical nights, which are organised by the Administration
  • MC officials and councillors feel while they manage a majority of events of the festival, the Administration gets the limelight due to the musical nights.
  • Sponsors do not give much importance to events like flower competition, floral-hat contest, antakshari, etc, which are organised by the MC

Admn official’s view

A senior official of the Tourism Department of the UT Administration said organising musical nights was not an easy job. They arrange singers and give due publicity to the event. They had recently hold successful events like Carnival and also held National Crafts Mela, which are now national events, he added.



Confusion over last date for depositing house tax
Amit Sharma
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
The residents of the city are in a fix over the last date of depositing house tax. While the Municipal Corporation (MC) had fixed December 15 as the last date for depositing the tax, the House Tax and Assessment Committee of the MC, at a meeting held recently, had recommended that the last date should be extended till March 31, 2014. However, the authorities are yet to decide on extending the date.

A meeting of the committee was held on November 25 where it was decided that the last date for paying the residential property tax should be extended till March 31.

Chairman, Federation of the Sector Welfare Associations of Chandigarh (FOSWAC), PC Sanghi said there was confusion among the residents over the last date for submitting the property tax. “A number of city residents have also inquired me about the last date for depositing the tax. However, in the absence of any final decision, nothing is clear,” he stated.

At present, the tax on residential property is Re 1 per sq yard annually.

Jatin Singh, another city resident, stated that the decision should be taken at the earliest.

Babu Lal, Chairman of the House Tax Assessment Committee, stated that the proceedings of the meeting were yet to be compiled and forwarded to the MC House meeting for the final decision. “Owing to some issue, the proceedings of the meeting could not be tabled before the House meeting held recently. The recommendations will now be discussed at the next meeting,” he stated.

The House Tax Assessment Committee has also recommended that the form to fill the house tax should be simplified.

What FOSWAC chief says

Chairman, Federation of the Sector Welfare Associations of Chandigarh (FOSWAC), PC Sanghi said there was confusion among the residents over the last date for submitting the property tax. “A number of city residents have also inquired me about the last date for depositing the tax. However, in the absence of any final decision, nothing is clear,” he stated.



MC website flashes stale info
Amit Sharma
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
Though it has been almost two years since the new team of councillors was elected to the Municipal Corporation (MC), Chandigarh, House, the MC website still carries the status of projects initiated in the wards during the tenure of their predecessors. The list of projects also mentions the names of the councillors from the previous House. The MC has failed to update the projects after 2010. Similarly, there are various other information sections on the website which needs to be updated.

The MC website is in the need of an overhaul as the outdated information, which is of no relevance to the residents, needs to be updated.

The information under the link, "Fresh Status of projects of MCC", mentions the projects and development works initiated by the councillors elected in 2006.

The link has the information on projects of public health, civil works, horticulture and electrical works. The links for the information on ward-wise committees and the corporation's working has not been completed for the past over one year. The agenda of MC House meetings has not been updated after August this year.

Councillor of the BJP Saurabh Joshi said he had also raised the issue with the MC authorities and sought the refurbishing of the website so that the residents can have information on the projects initiated by the councillors of their wards. “After witnessing the state of the MC website, I prefer to reach out to the residents of my ward through the social networking sites to inform them about the projects initiated by me,” he stated.

The Mayor’s one-year tenure is about to end this month. However, the authorities have even failed to upload his message to the residents on the website.

Commissioner of the MC VP Singh said they were planning to revamp the website regarding which a meeting was also held recently. “We are trying to have a dynamic website, which will be accessible to every department and they could upload the updated information whenever required on their own,” he said.



Process for mayoral election begins
Amit Sharma
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
The process for the election of Mayor has begun, as the Municipal Corporation (MC) has sent a communication to the Deputy Commissioner (DC) for appointing the presiding officer for the election.

The elections to the posts of Mayor, Senior Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be held on January 1, 2014.

The candidates contesting the elections will be from among a total of 26 elected councillors. The elected councillors and the nine nominated councillors will be casting vote during the elections.

Joint Commissioner, MC, Rajiv Gupta, confirming the development, stated he had written to DC Mohammed Shayin for appointing the presiding officer for the elections.

The tenures of present Mayor Subhash Chawla, Senior Deputy Mayor Rana Kashmiri Devi and Deputy Mayor Satish Kumar Kainth end on December 31.

Sources in the ruling group Congress stated that the lobbying by the probable candidates for the post of Mayor had begun. One of the BJP councillors stated they would soon hold a meeting to finalise the candidates to be fielded against the ruling group.

In the last Mayor election, Chawla had defeated BJP candidate Arun Sood by a margin of 12 votes.



Civic body launches toll-free helpline
Our Correspondent

A complaint centre that was inaugurated at the Municipal Bhawan in Sector 69, Mohali, on Wednesday
A complaint centre that was inaugurated at the Municipal Bhawan in Sector 69, Mohali, on Wednesday. Tribune Photo: Vicky Gharu

Mohali, December 4
The Mohali Municipal Corporation launched a toll-free complaint centre for residents today. The complaint helpline, 1800-137-0007, (toll-free) was launched at the office of the civic body by the Minister for Local Government, Anil Joshi.

Complaints related to streetlights, water supply or sewerage, sanitation, horticulture, encroachments, etc, can be registered through the new facility. The toll free number will be open for registration of complaints from 10 am to 4 pm.

Android users can also download a smartphone app ‘MC CRAMAT’ (Municipal Corporation Citizens’ Reporting and Mapping Tool) free-of-cost to air their grievances.

A time-bound solution to the problems has been planned by the civic body and the complainants will also be given the status of the complaints registered through the SMS facility.

Joshi asked the civic authorities to send a monthly report to him regarding the new facility. “There is a need for fixing the accountability in this regard,” said the minister.

Regarding the property tax, the minister said the government had so far collected Rs 100 crore in the state. “The tax had to be levied as the Central Government was depriving the state of various grants because user charges were not being collected from local residents,” said Joshi.

The minister also accused the Congress leaders for dissuading residents from depositing the property tax. Funds had to be generated to carry out development in the state, he added.

“A very little in the form of property tax has been levied. A person living in a 10-marla house is supposed to pay Rs 100 per month; it is not a big financial burden on residents,” said Joshi.

The minister for local government urged the people of the state to deposit property tax so that proper development could be carried out in the state.

“The date of availing a 10 per cent rebate on the payment of property tax has now been extended to December 10 from November 30,” said the minister, Anil Joshi.



Three-day tourism fest begins today
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
Three-day tourism fest is set to start tomorrow at the Parade Ground in Sector 17, here. Organised jointly by the CII and CITCO, the fest aims at accelerating growth in the international tourism sector and creating road map for inclusive and seamless tourism across the region and the globe.

While Chandigarh is the host city, Punjab is the principal partner state and Haryana is participating as the focus state for the fest. Gujarat, Delhi, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir and Madhya Pradesh will also showcase their special and attractive tour and travel packages, tourist destinations, unseen tourist spots, beautiful locations, interesting tours and itineraries, etc, in the tourism exhibition at the Parade Ground.

The exhibition will also see the participation of eight countries, China, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Dubai, Turkey, Indonesia and Ethiopia, that would also showcase the best of the countries to the local residents and also forge business ties with tour and travel operators and other stakeholders from India.

It would also have concurrent activities like International Dance Festival and International Chef Meet.

“Envisioned to contribute to the overall GDP growth, the CII Tourism Fest will aim at showcasing India as a global tourist destination by creating synergies between various stakeholders, creating enabling policies and desired infrastructure and attracting investments in the tourism and hospitality sector,” said Arjun Sharma, Chairman, CII Tourism Fest-2013 and Managing Director, Le Passage to India.

“International Dance Festival will bring together more than 100 dancers not only from Indian states but also from Thailand and Indonesia. With over 30 world-renowned chefs coming together, International Chef Meet promises to be the largest gathering of food and beverage industry professionals - executive chefs, F&B managers, academicians and technocrats,” he said.

Tanvi Garg, Director, Tourism, Chandigarh Administration, said North could attract tourists for various forms of tourism like eco-tourism, religious tourism, cultural tourism, hill tourism, architectural, farm, heritage, weekend and lifestyle tourism. If an integrated tourism circuit is created with participation and synergy between all key stakeholders like the travel and tourism operators, agencies, governments and the industry from all northern states, tourist inflow could really grow tremendously.

VB Kumar, State Executive Director, Punjab, Heritage Tourism Promotion Board (PHTPB), Government of Punjab, said: “Punjab will also aggressively showcase our strengths through the CII Tourism Fest and promote Punjab as a tourist destination to domestic and overseas delegations of tour and travel operators, hospitality agencies and other stakeholders”.

The conferences will dwell on aspects like participative role of Central and state governments and agencies, seamless tourism, demand & supply scenario in India, tourism development: destination marketing, urban and regional tourism development, sustainable tourism, etc.



CHB fined for not refunding interest
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
The Chandigarh Housing Board (CHB) has been penalised for not providing two years’ interest while refunding the earnest money deposited by two applicants. The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum directed the CHB to provide interest and pay Rs 20,000 each to the complainants for mental harassment.

Raj Kumar alleged that he, being a Constable in the Chandigarh Police, applied for a one-bedroom flat in response to a scheme launched by the opposite party and deposited a sum of Rs 70,000 as earnest money after taking a "earnest money loan”.

The complainant remained unsuccessful in the draw of lots. He asked for the refund of the deposited amount. He received a letter from the bank informing him that the bank received the refund of the "earnest money loan" amounting to Rs 70,000. The earnest money was deposited in 2008 and the complainant was entitled to interest at the rate of 12% on the earnest money from the date of the draw of lots till its payment. However, the CHB refunded the amount without any interest.

The other complainant Umed Singh was also allowed the compensation.



‘Bandi Sikh Rihayi’ march reaches Mohali
Our Correspondent

Mohali, December 4
The ‘Bandi Sikh Rihayi’ march, which commenced from Akal Takht in Amritsar reached here this evening.

The march is being carried out to secure the release of the Sikh youths, who have been languishing in various jails across the country despite having served their sentences.

The march, organised by various religious and Sikh bodies, received a warm response at Gurdwara Amb Sahib in Phase VIII here.

Various speakers at the gathering observed the unity among the various religious organisations and the Sant Samaj as a positive development in this matter.

A Haryana leader Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa of Kurukshetra, whose indefinite fast in support of demand for freeing the youth entered its 21st day, here today, said protest marches would be organised in various cities of Punjab to urge the government to accept their demands.

Among those present at the gurdwara were Justice Ajit Singh Bains, chief of the Akhand Kirtini Jatha RP Singh, head of the Dal Khalsa Satnam Singh, Paonta Sahib and Shiromani Khalsa Panchayat covener Rajinder Singh Khurana.

Notably, Mohali Deputy Commissioner Tejinder Pal Singh Sidhu and Superintendent of Police (SSP) Inder Mohan Singh had visited Gurdwara Amb Sahib yesterday and urged Gurbaksh Singh to discontinue his fast.



biz news
Satya Bharti Schools lift 46 awards

Bharti Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises, announced that the community-led development campaigns of students from as many as 46 different Satya Bharti Schools, have won the ‘Design for Change’ awards, an international recognition platform for community initiatives.

Design for Change is a global platform designed to give children an opportunity to express their own ideas for a better world and put them into action. This year, over 705 stories were received from as many as 540 schools from across 19 states in the country. Over 162 Satya Bharti Schools from rural India submitted 172 stories of change. Out of these, two were selected under top 20, one was chosen under jury’s pick category, 19 under honourable mention category (top 72), and 24 under special acknowledgement section, reaching to a total of 46 awards. — TNS



Stag found dead in P’kula
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, December 4
A stag was found dead while another was found injured by the passers-by near the Bel Colony here this morning.

Police and forest officials reached the spot after getting information about the same. The two animals were found lying on the road in a pool of blood.

The officials said the animals were probably hit by a vehicle while crossing the road.



Sufiana singers Kumar Bandhu enthral
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
Sufiana singers, Kumar Bandhu, presented a Sufiana evening to raise funds for the local non-government organisation, Theatre Age, at Sector 23 Bal Bhavan today. The group is planning to build a hostel for its student.

Organised in collaboration with the State Bank of India, during the evening, Kumar Bandhu, Anoop Kumar and Hemant Kumar, recited popular "kalaams", including those of Amir Khusro, Baba Bulley Shah and Sheikh Farid.

Professor Murlidhar, played the harmonium while Debashish was on the table. The other artistes accompanying the Sufiana singers included Prakash Nepali on the flute, Vinod Panwar on the saarangi and Dharampal on the dholak.



75 file papers for post of sarpanch
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
For the gram panchayat elections, a total 75 candidates filed their nominations for the post of Sarpanch and 338 filed their papers for the post of panch. Today was the last day for filing nominations for the gram panchayat elections.

The UT Election Commission OSD, Tarsem Lal, said now they would scrutinise the nomination papers.

Residents of 12 gram panchayats will cast their vote on December 15. Thirteen villages of the UT Administration fall under 12 gram panchayats. There are 12 posts of sarpanch and 132 of panch.



Club Mahindra penalised
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
Club Mahindra Holidays has been penalised for failing to provide additional benefits like cash vouchers as promised to a complainant. The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum directed to refund a sum of Rs.2,01,723 along with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the date of respective deposits till its actual payment to the complainant, besides paying litigation costs of Rs 10,000.

The complainant had enrolled with the club as member in a scheme namely “Club Mahindra Holidays” and deposited Rs 25,426 initially as booking amount (10% of a total membership amount of Rs 2,54,260). Besides, Rs 5,687 per month was also paid to the opposite party.

The club also issued a holiday package to the complainant which was valid for six months, but the complainant did not avail himself of it.

It was averred that at the time of issuing the membership, the opposite party had also promised to the complainant to give some other benefits like free voucher of Rs 3,000, three night holiday package and another seven night holiday package. However, they failed to do so.



Police suspects ‘kidnapped’ realtor is in Dubai
Hina Rohtaki
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, December 4
'Kidnapped' realtor Vikram Dhiman, who reportedly went missing from Panchkula after he levelled allegations of threat against an official of the Chandigarh police, is suspected to be in Dubai.

Dhiman, a resident of Sector 2, Panchkula, who was reportedly involved in a money-laundering business and had allegedly taken crores of rupees from Chandigarh and Panchkula police officials, went missing a day before Diwali. His son got a kidnap case registered at the Sector 5 police station as Dhiman had filed a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court that he had received threats from Chandigarh police Sub-Inspector Harinder Singh Sekhon and his wife.

According to police sources, Dhiman's whereabouts have been traced to Dubai. Certain calls from Dubai have been received on the numbers of the family members and close associates of Dhiman.

"We were also keeping a close watch on Dhiman's woman friend who puts up in Sector 20. But after he went missing, the woman also shifted from Panchkula to a place in Himachal Pradesh,” said a police official.

“After keeping a track of some family members and “close” associates of Dhiman, who received calls from Dubai, we also came to know that he had planned to return on November 26, but did not land in India,” he added.

The police have not yet disclosed the exact details of his whereabouts as according to them, it may affect the police investigation or make Dhiman change his location. After getting to know that the police have alerted the Airports Authority of India about his entire details, Dhiman did not come back and is reportedly still there.

A few days after the kidnapping case was registered, the police had come to know that Dhiman went missing after selling his bungalow and lavish cars worth Rs 3.5 crore, and the police got suspicious about him.

Several Panchkula and Chandigarh police officials had invested crores of rupees in Dhiman’s “money-laundering business”.



Cancer patient needs help

Chandigarh, December 4
A seven-year-old girl suffering from acute Lymphoblastic leukemia, a form of blood cancer, is in need of financial help. Sanjana, the patient, is currently seeking treatment at the PGIMER, Chandigarh, and requires Rs 4 lakh for her treatment that will take over two years.

Her father Jintendra Kumar had to quit his job due to his frequent visits to the hospital as Sanjana’s family was based in Rishikesh. The family is now struggling to gather money for her chemotherapy. Those interested in helping the patient can contact her father at 07307431595. — TNS



Tricity schools need counsellors

After a school-going couple committed suicide, there seems to be a dire need of counsellors in tricity schools. A school counselor's job is different from what it was 50 years ago when a counsellor was chiefly concerned with getting students the classes they needed. Today, counselors are called upon to help students in a broader way. They help students handle almost any issue that could get in the way of their learning, guide them to a productive future, and try to create a positive environment at school. The counsellor must be properly trained to tackle all sorts of issues faced by the students and should be a contributing member of the school community.

Dr Shruti K Chawla, Chandigarh

Check stray dog menace

Stray dogs have a free run in Panchkula with the authorities making no efforts to curb the menace. Many dog bite cases are being reported on a daily basis at city hospitals.

Though the Panchkula general hospital is ready to deal with such cases and the anti-rabies vaccine is also available for 24 hours, this is not the appropriate remedy. People should stop feeding stray dogs.

The sterilisation process should be intensified to check the menace. Stray dogs should be shifted to dog pounds. Strict action should be taken against those feeding stray dogs.

Vinod Jaidka, Panchkula

Readers can send their feedback at letters.ct@gmail.com



health notes
Body donated to PGI

The Department of Anatomy, PGIMER, received the body of Balwant Baba, a resident of Mohali, Punjab.

Her husband late HS Bawa had also donated his body to the PGIMER on September 20 this year. She is survived by two sons. Her elder son Col IBS Bawa is a Mahavir Chakra recipient posthumously in 1987. His wife Lily Bawa is the councillor from Sector 12, Panchkula.

Her younger son JS Bawa fulfilled her wish by donating her body to the PGIMER. The department is grateful to the family and admires them for this noble gesture, said Head Department of Anatomy, Dr Daisy Sahni.

PGI doctor gets young scientist award

Dr Sanjay Munjal, Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, PGI, bagged the ‘young scientist award’ at the 9th Asia Pacific Conference on cochlear implants and related sciences held in Hyderabad.

Dr Munjal won the award for his paper, "Residual hearing following cochlear implantation-comparison of two surgical insertion techniques".

A cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person who is a hearing impaired.

Two kinds of surgical techniques (cochleostomy and round-window insertion ) are used by doctors in different hospitals for insertion of electrodes.

In the present study, a comparison between the two surgical techniques was made to find out the efficacy of preserved hearing after implantation. — TNS



Meghalaya Governor visits alma mater
Inaugurates four-day annual convention of the Indian Chemical Society at PU
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 4
The golden jubilee convention of the Indian Chemical Society started today at Panjab University. An alumnus of the PU Chemistry Department, Governor of Meghalaya Dr KK Paul, inaugurated the four-day annual convention in which many stalwarts in the field of chemistry, including former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission Professor S Banerjee, participated.

On behalf of the Council of the Indian Chemical Society, president of the Indian Chemical Society Prof MC Chattopadhyaya presented lifetime achievement awards to Professor Kabir-ud-Din and Professor SP Moulik for their contribution in research areas dealing with different aspects of chemistry.

Addressing the inaugural function, Dr KK Paul congratulated PU Vice-Chancellor Prof Arun K Grover and his predecessors for the emergence of Panjab University as the top Indian institute in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013-14. He also encouraged young scientists to develop new and innovative ideas necessary for the overall growth of the country.

He recalled his association with the Department of Chemistry, PU, from where he did his MSc and PhD. He said the department had glorious history and bright future.

In the plenary talk at the inaugural session, the former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, Government of India, Professor S Banerjee, spoke about the contribution of Professor Ruchi Ram Sahni and nuclear reactors and power generation. The talk was followed by award lectures by eminent chemists like Professor AK Mishra from IIT-Chennai, Professor Sabyasachi Sarkar from IIT-Kanpur, Professor Tapas Chakraborty from IACS-Kolkata and Professor MK Mohanty from NISER-Bhubaneshwar. Professor CR Sinha from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, addressed the special session dedicated to Alfred Werner to commemorate the 100th year of the award of the Nobel Prize on coordination chemistry.



We have no right to destroy earth, says Chief Justice

Chandigarh, December 4
The international conference on sustainable development at the Chandigarh Judicial Academy in Sector 43 here touched many fundamental issues concerning the current development growth and called for harmonising economical development with ecology and wide participation of society for better future development.

Addressing the conference, the Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Sanjay Krishan Kaul, said: “We all had inherited the earth and did not manufacture it. Therefore, we have no right to destroy it. For developing nation like ours, we need robust economic development but not at the cost of environment regression”.

He called for inclusive growth and equal distribution of wealth in society, without which sustainable development was not possible. With an increase in purchasing power, the wasteful consumption of the people was also increasing, which needs to be addressed effectively.

The chief guest of the evening, Shivraj Patil, Governor of Punjab and UT Administrator, said sustainable development was possible to achieve. “What nature has given us is much more than we require. However, we are yet to find ways to utilise it,” he said. “Greed and ignorance is our major problem,” he said, adding that world over people were exploiting same resources time and again to meet our needs.

Another speaker, Jatinder Mohan, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at PU, said sustainable development couldn’t be achieved unless the development was not linked with happiness of the people.

“We have lack of coordination between states and the Centre. Luxury fever, consumer behaviour and short-term economic growth are threat to sustainable development and these issues should be sorted out,” he said.

The conference was organised by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, in collaboration with the International Centre for Inter-Disciplinary Research in Law, Canada, and Ontario International Development Agency, Canada. The technical session of the conference will be held tomorrow at the same venue. The inaugural session today also saw the release of souvenir, which was the compilation of over 300-research paper on sustainable development. — TNS



55K students take part in road-safety quiz
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, December 4
The Panchkula police today organised a road safety quiz in the city. The quiz was organised in as many as 70 schools in the city.

About 55,000 students participated in the event that actually meant to aware children about the traffic rules.

The traffic week would be celebrated by the Haryana Police in the first week of January. And on the occasion of the traffic week, the police officials took this initiative with a motive to apprise the young lot of the traffic rules.

The qualifying Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) type test was conducted by the Panchkula police with the cooperation of the schools here today.

Commissioner of Police Rajbir Deswal, said: “The children will abide by the traffic rules due to such events and also make others aware about the same. The quiz, which is being conducted in Panchkula, is being replicated in urban and rural areas of Ambala.”

“Students will get prizes in each category,” he added.

The school-level quiz was organised to test the IQ of students at various levels. The test that was conducted today was an Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) written test which was an open book exam.

This was the first-level qualifying test for an inter-school written exam that is scheduled to be held on December 10.

These schools were visited by Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Ashwin Shenvi, along with ACP Krishan Hooda, and Station House Officers of the respective police stations.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police said it was an informative activity and such events would be replicated for government schools.



Out-of-school children
Education Dept seeks support from NGOs

Chandigarh, December 4
The UT Education Department invited NGOs from the city to bring "out-of-school" children to the fold of education. For this, a meeting-cum-discussion session was organised at Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 10-A, Chandigarh, which was headed by DPI (S) Kamlesh Kumar.

Kamlesh Kumar said NGOs were an important link between the street children and the Education Department. Thus, their support was required to monitor “out-of-school" children so that they could be admitted to their neighbouring schools. He also sought their help for following up these children even after they were admitted to schools so that they did not drop out.

Emphasising the importance of the implementation of the Right to Education Act-2009, the DPI (S) said street children were the left out ones because they were not being located due to the migratory nature of their parents. Thus, counselling of their parents was a hard task where NGOs would have to play an important role. The NGOs welcomed the venture and offered their support to the department. Several NGOs attended the meeting today. — TNS



National Education Day celebrated

Chandigarh, December 4
Desh Bhagat University today celebrated National Education Day. While inaugurating the programme, Dr Shalini Gupta, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the university, highlighted the contribution made by India's first Education Minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad towards education. Dr Shalini said the university had instituted a number of scholarships and concessions for the poor and the needy students.

During the last year, the university had distributed scholarships of Rs 50 lakh under various schemes, and this year the amount was likely to be over Rs 2 crore. The university had extended special facilities to the wards of its Class IV and Class III employees. Chancellor of the university Dr Zora Singh said education was a fundamental right of every citizen and the university was making a positive contribution in spreading the light of education in this part of the country. Students of the university presented an educative and entertaining cultural programme. — TNS



from schools
International Day of People with Disability

Chandigarh: The International Day of People with Disability was celebrated at Ryan School, Sector 49. Students of the school went to Vatika, the School for Disabled Children in Sector 19. The students enacted a small play “Cobbler and the Elves” and gave a dance performance on the foot-tapping Japanese song to entertain the people there. They also distributed sweets, chocolates, cakes and cards to express their love for them. People there felt very happy and special.

Rally on AIDS awareness

Various activities were carried out for AIDS awareness at GSSS, Dhanas. As many as 110 NSS volunteers of GSSS, Dhanas, took out a rally at Dhanas village, adjoining colonies and newly shifted Colony Number 5 in flats. Slogan-writing and poster-making competitions were also held.

Skit competition

On the behalf of Eco-Club activity, a skit competition was held at MDAV, Sector 22, on Environment Protection Day. Students of different classes took part in the competition with great zeal and enthusiasm. The motto of the skit was to prevent the environment from pollution.

Health check-up camp

A general health check-up camp was conducted at Banyan Tree School, Sector 48. The general health check-up of students from Classes Pre-Nursery to V was conducted by doctors from Max Super Specialty Hospital on the school campus. Parents were also invited to avail this facility. The camp was held to ensure the mental and physical well-being of the students.

Honesty and Discipline Week observed

Students of Class IV of Saupin's-32 celebrated Honesty and Discipline Week on the school premises. The idea to conduct a show based on the theme was initiated to spread awareness on the importance of honesty and discipline. The show commenced with a welcome speech by Nandini and Simran Kandari. It was later anchored smartly by Shamsheer Singh, Malhar and Sanshi, all students of Class IV. The children in an impressive presentation performed an English skit “Little lies mean big trouble”, followed by a song “always speak the truth”.

International contest

Students in a jubilant mood during a fancy dress competition at CRB School, Sector 7, in Chandigarh on Wednesday
Students in a jubilant mood during a fancy dress competition at CRB School, Sector 7, in Chandigarh on Wednesday. Tribune Photo: S Chandan

Mohali: Students of St Anee’s School participated in the 19th International Competition for Science, Mathematics, Mental Ability and Electronics (QUANTA-2013) organised by City Montessori School, Lucknow. This competition is held worldwide with students coming from different nationalities. Russia, Jordan, Brazil, Nepal, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Malaysia were some of the countries that took part in the event held in India. Anee’s was one of the schools selected for QUANTA-2013.

Annual day celebrated

Genius Public School celebrated its annual day, Drizzle-2013. Floral welcome was given to guests, followed by lightning of the ceremonial lamp and religious note through a Shabad and Saraswati Vandna. Pre-Primary students left the audience spellbound with their performances in the divine grace. They also walked down the ramp.

Navy Day

Panchkula: St Teresa Convent School organised different activities for the students on the Navy Day. This was the day when the Indian Navy played a significant role in the Indo-Pak War of 1971. Students of Classes I and II recited patriotic poems for Navy officers to show their respect. The students of Classes III and IV made clay models of various artifacts of Navy like ships, submarines and machines with colourful clay. Students of Classes V and VI stood up and got their voices heard through declamation contest and expressed their views on the day.

Drawing & handwriting competition

Pooja Kamlesh Joshi of Class VII, New India School, Sector 15, won second prize in the All-India Drawing and Handwriting Competition with cash prize of Rs 5,000 and a certificate. The Akhil Bhartiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra organised the competition. Principal Sharda Gupta congratulated Pooja and her drawing teacher for their commendable success. — TNS



from PU and colleges
Electronics and electrical workshop

The Physics Department of MCM DAV College for Women on Wednesday organised an electronics and electrical workshop. Ashish Verma, Director, Pizik (India), was the resource person at the workshop, which spread over two sessions. The objective of the first session of the workshop was to teach the students how to test and repair daily home appliances and lab equipment themselves. The second session involved equipping the students with knowledge about the components and use of basic electronics and electrical equipment. The principal of the college, Dr Puneet Bedi, said integrating theoretical knowledge with practical applicability was imperative in making students employable. This workshop is a step towards this goal.

International conference on yeast biology

Participants look at posters at an international conference on yeast biology at IMTEC in Sector 39, Chandigarh, on Wednesday
Participants look at posters at an international conference on yeast biology at IMTEC in Sector 39, Chandigarh, on Wednesday. Tribune photo: Parvesh Chauhan

The Institute of Microbial Technology on Wednesday started a four-day 8th international conference on yeast biology. IMTECH director Girish Sahani inaugurated the conference. A lecture on the yeast model system for investigating the epigenetic generation regulation phenomena was delivered by an eminent dignitary, Amar JS Klar. On the first day, the conference was divided into two sessions, first on epigenetic and chromatin and second on pathogenic yeast. There was a poster session on the odd-numbered posters during the first session of the conference.

Students told to carry out research effectively

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) on Wednesday conducted its virtual workshop on the art of science communication. The workshop was organised by the Department of Microbiology, Panjab University. The ASM Ambassador, Indian Ocean Region, and Dean at the University of Delhi, Professor Rup Lal, who was the keynote speaker of the workshop, spoke on metagenomics, which is the key area of his lab. He motivated the students to carry out research effectively rather than just remain dependent on their supervisor.

Winter school

Panjab University is hosting a winter school course on the theme, challenges in higher education. The course is being organised by the Department of Community Education and Disability Studies, PU, from Wednesday. Professor Dharminder Singh Ubha, Director, SGPC Colleges, Punjab, inaugurated the course. Professor Ubha motivated the participants to take the teaching profession as worship.— TNS



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