For an out-of-the-box lunchbox
Harshika Arora

From the day a child is born, the mother holds herself responsible for the health, hygiene and other factors that affect her baby’s growth. Be it nutrition or education, it’s the mom who is supposed to handle it. Doctors advise more protein intake, grannys come up with their own daadi ma ke nuskhe, friends always end up suggesting the junk food. It is finally left to the discretion of the mother as to decide what may be good.

In every generation, mothers face some or the other challenges while dealing with their kids. But packing the tiffin is one task that has always posed a big question mark for all moms. She wonders: “What should I give my child for lunch tomorrow”? “Will he accept the same menu repeated over and again?” The menu of the lunch box is a constant troublemaker for the mothers. Let us look at some easy tips here:

Appearance should not be deceptive: Make sure at the first glance, your little one should find the tiffin to be inviting. The meal should be properly wrapped in aluminum foil or a wrap to preserve the aroma. You may even go in for fancy shaped lunch box to maintain interest of the child.

Play with colours: Stuffing in a few chunks of fruits is certainly a good idea. An apple cut in pieces, unpeeled banana, strawberry, kiwi fruit or oranges. There are a lot of options to choose from. Kids even love the gamut of colours and textures that come out in a fruit chaat.

Paranthas again: No doubt, mothers usually end up rolling the traditional paranthas at least twice a week. Yes, kids like it; but, what if we stuff it up with potatoes / cheese / pulses; the nutrient values multiply manifold.

Green game: Keep in mind the child’s health as a priority. Make use of the green vegetables to the maximum. Bribe them and unt for the interest of your child. Do make use of your little champ’s favourite menu every now and then. You could bribe them here, by saying: “Today is your menu day, tomorrow will be Mama’s menu day”. It would be accepted blindfolded. Planning always helps: Try to plan out a week’s menu in advance. This helps you in arranging the requirements well in time and even add some not-so-regular menu options too.

Raw veggies: Cut into dices carrot, cucumber, paneer. Add in same size, cut apples, salt and a small portion of hung curd. Toss the entire salad mixture and garnish with finely chopped salad leaves. A simple and easy menu with sure-shot healthy ingredients awaits your little one’s tiffin box.

Sometimes, parents write small notes of appreciation to put in their kids’ lunchboxes. That’s sweet and welcome. Come on mothers, go tech-savvy too. Look out for newer and healthier and easier menu options on the Net. Try your hands at different recipes and make your little darling proud of the hidden super chef in you.