Karuna Goswamy


1. For preserving fruit etc, you can do this to them

6. There is a grand one and a little one in bridge

8. City that was among the earliest capitals of Japan

11. Hackneyed; trite

12.You can do this to Peter, and pay Paul

13. Terminal digit of the human foot

14. Declaim; speak pompously

17. Spouse; companion

19. Jacob ___, famous NZ bowler

21. Relates to microbes, of course


2. An old measure of length

3. The god of death in Indian mythology

4. Title of the rulers of Mewar

5. There is a lot of this in cigarettes

6. Get out or go out in haste

7. Head or superior of a monastery

9. Change; transform

10. ___Dar, cricket umpire from Pakistan

15. Breed and raise

16. A mausoleum in other words

18. Great Shi ’ite Prophet

20. ___, Gardner, Hollywood beauty