Karuna Goswamy


6. Small vessel for ceremonial use

7. A kind of silk from north-eastern India

8. Famous ski resort in Colorado

11. Deeply engrossed or absorbed

12. Popular south Indian snack

13. How India is referred to in poetry often

14. "The __ that men do "...

16. „__ the Red ., 10th century mariner

18. Emit loud, raucous sound

20. Brett __, famous cricketer

21. Slippery marine creature



1. Issued every three months

2. Break suddenly

3. Thick mass of hair

4. Do this like Beckham

5. Very, very small

9. Motionless; quiet

10. Duck whose feathers go into pillows

15. Wild goat with recurved horns

17. Rustic musical pipe

19. To be unwell; feel pain