Across 6. Small vessel for ceremonial use 7. A kind of silk from north-eastern India 8. Famous ski resort in Colorado 11. Deeply engrossed or absorbed 12. Popular south Indian snack 13. How India is referred to in poetry often 14. "The __ that men do "... 16. „__ the Red ., 10th century mariner 18. Emit loud, raucous sound 20. Brett __, famous cricketer 21. Slippery marine creature
DOWN 1. Issued every three months 2. Break suddenly 3. Thick mass of hair 4. Do this like Beckham 5. Very, very small 9. Motionless; quiet 10. Duck whose feathers go into pillows 15. Wild goat with recurved horns 17. Rustic musical pipe 19. To be unwell; feel pain