Across 1. The Angkor carvings are all in __ relief 3. The __ Offensive was one of the largest campaigns of the Vietnam war 6. Jean __, great French painter/sculptor 7. Fanatically militant, aggressive person 8. Hazrat ___, great Shi ite leader 9. Before the coming in of mobile phones these booths had sprung up everywhere (inits.) 12. Orangish yellow colour in which the monks robes are often dyed 14. Formerly, a measure of length 15. Last part; extremity 16. Sink downward due to weight DOWN 1. Boast; make exaggerated claims 2. The Taj is considered the greatest __ of all times 3. To and feather a person was to punish or humiliate him 4. The apsara Menaka was one in Hindu mythology 5. A discussion or informational site on the internet 10. Fate; unavoidable ill fortune 11. Deal heavy blows 13. The month of Ramazan ends with this festival