Food talk
The tinda gets a makeover
Pushpesh Pant

There was a time when poor tinda was the lowliest of the low. It was reckoned to be a cheap summer veggie, tasteless and common. Housewives tried their best to make kids and adults eat it serving it in spicy gravy or stuffing it — all to no avail. The proverbial worm has turned and how! Last year we had a shock when the grocer told us that the stuff was selling at Rs100 a kilo. Admittedly it was navaratri and fasting was in fashion. Kosher diet items were claiming a premium but still. Ever since, we have seen our friends accord it unprecedented respect. As we are we are concerned we have always loved it. Thanks to mom who dictated that only seasonal vegetables be cooked in her kitchen, we had made friends with the rotund squash. But, we digress. There are only so many ways you can cook the tinda in. So how does the jaded palate get tickled? Despair not. Our sister-in-law back from Canada and USA has taught us to render an achari version that is pretty peppy. She obviously misses home-style cooking and is tired of substitutes. Brother darling prefers his food chilly hot and the pickling spices were a perfect solution for them. Do try this one out.

Achari Tinde


Tinda (peeled, cut in quarters 500 g and then halved)

Hing A large pinch

Methi dana 1 tsp

Rai seeds 1 tsp

Saunf 1 tsp

Dhaniya seeds 1 tsp

Kalaunji 1/2 tsp

Sabut kali mirch ½ tsp

Whole red chilly dry (shredded) One

Haldi powder ½ tsp

Jeera powder ½ tsp

Lal mirch powder ½ tsp

Dhaniya powder ½ tsp

Amchur powder 1 tsp

Salt to taste

Mustard oil ¼ cup


Heat oil in thick-bottomed pan and when it reaches smoking point reduce heat. Put in the hing, stir briskly and add all other whole spices together with shredded red chilly. Wait till these crackle and chilly turns brown. Dissolve the powder spices in a little water to avoid burning and add to the pan. Add the tinda along with salt stir well to mix. Cover and cook on low medium flame for about five minutes no more.

The tinda should retain a bite. Great with phulka or parantha, either hot or at room temperature.