Karuna Goswamy


1. Open delight;exultation

3. The Captain in Moby Dick

5. Sealed container for food, beverage

6. City in Avon, SW of England

8.What a carpenter cannot do without

10. Wretched hut; dwelling unit

12. Wild silk from northeast India

13. __ Amin, infamous Dada of Uganda

14. Great founder of the Sikh faith

17. Wild mountainous goat

18. Presidential power to reject a bill

19. Zodiacal sign symbolized by a lion

20. Does not win against the tortoise

21.Back of the neck


1. Meaningless talk or writing

2. Sound that is reflected back

3. ___ Boleyn, Henry VIII ’s wife

4. Belligerent; aggressively hostile

7. Yours, in poetic terms

9. Similar; akin

11. Large transport vehicle

15. Shaft on which a wheel rotates

16. Stratford upon ___, Shakespeare ’s birthplace