Studies and a growing body of research and evidence reveal that food and exercise can get us out of many health dilemmas. What we eat can have a tremendous influence on our cells and on our overall health. As like many lifestyle diseases, cellulite appears to be one of the common complaints of modern age. Cellulite is a special
kind of fat that appears below the waistline in most women. It appears
as dimpled skin caused by protrusions of subcutaneous fat, caused by a
combination of water, fat and toxins. These substances get trapped in
the connective tissue between the muscle layer and the skin.
A large percentage of post-adolescent females and even some males have cellulite. It is seen mostly in women because of the differences in the way muscle, fat and connective tissue are distributed in women and men. The connective tissue is surrounded by a network of fibres that gives a cushioning, protective effect to our muscles and organs. When fats and liquids are trapped in the epidermal layer (deep layer), the connective tissue hardens and thickens. This produces a dimpled effect or an orange peel- like effect. Cellulite, unlike the fat layer that acts as an insulator, provides no such padding effect. It is mainly seen on the hips, buttocks, thighs, abdomen and the breasts. Cellulite can affect women of any size or body structure. In short, it is the changes in the fat, connective tissue, blood flow and lymphatic drainage that contribute to the formation of cellulite. The root cause is the weakening of the connective tissue. By reducing the fat in your body, one can work towards reducing cellulite. Cellulite is a complex problem but it is not difficult to eliminate or arrest its formation. Causes of cellulite formation Diet plays an important role. Poor eating habits contribute to the formation of cellulite. Regular intake of alcohol, fatty foods, sugary foods, caffeine etc are the main culprits that lead to the formation of cellulite. Inadequate water intake is another factor. Water helps to flush out the toxins from the body. Tension, stress and smoking also cause cellulite. Smoking causes constriction of the capillaries. Stress and tension promote toxic build-up. Lack of exercise coupled with a sedentary lifestyle promotes formation of cellulite. Aging is another factor. Loss of skin tone due to reduced elasticity of the connective tissue. Prevention There is no quick fix solution for cellulite removal and there is no special diet that can guarantee cellulite removal. The best one can do is to improve your overall nutritional health and wellbeing that will go a long way in detoxifying and cleansing your system which in turn will reduce the quantity and speed of fat storage. Good nutrition plays an important role in preventing the formation of cellulite and obesity. It is the improper food combinations, inadequate amounts of water, constant consumption of processed foods and use of food additives that causes the system to accumulate toxins which is one of the contributing factors for build- up of cellulite. A cellulite free body can be achieved with a sensible diet low in calories, inclusion of foods that are high in antioxidants and nutrients needed to heal and regulate the body functions and regular and moderate exercise. These factors help to reduce the underlying fat stores and replace lost muscle tissue. A healthy diet from a young age can go a long way in reducing the cellulite build up. The adage "prevention is better than cure" is so true to prevent the development of cellulite. So, here’s a simple and modest message — eat healthy, live a simple life, exercise regularly, rest well and adopt a positive attitude always! The writer is one of the leading holistic health gurus and has a health portal www.mickeymehtahbf.com A few tips to help reduce or prevent cellulite formation Body fat increases depending on your lifestyle. Avoid processed foods, refined flours and canned foods which are high in sugar, fat and sodium. Follow a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, beans, legumes. These high-fibre foods help to eliminate toxins and wastes. Consume foods that are alkaline in nature. Fruits and vegetables, if consumed correctly, become alkaline in the body. Reduce the intake of alcohol, coffee, tea and cola drinks. Drink plenty of water to assist your body in getting rid of toxins and waste materials. Reduce salt consumption. Salt causes water retention. Reduce and eliminate toxins from your body by drinking adequate amounts of water daily and consume foods that have high water content like vegetables, fruits etc. Avoid foods that have a high sugar content like chocolates, desserts, sweets, even juices, soft drinks etc as the sugar gets deposited as fat in the body. Regular exercises like cardio, aerobics and brisk walks are excellent in fighting cellulite formation. Yoga & stretching exercises are excellent as they increase metabolism, stamina, muscle tone, immunity & blood circulation. Have five to six small, frequent meals. This helps boost metabolism. Massages are also beneficial as it stimulates circulation, softens the cellulite and promotes drainage of fluids. Avoid alcohol or have it in moderation. Remember, cellulite is
not a disease. It just signals a lifestyle that is unhealthy and that
needs to be modified The best way to treat it is through a combination
of sensible diet, corrective lifestyle, regular exercise combined with
some massages. These steps will ensure that you maintain your weight
and keep your body in shape.