Come, meet the parents
Aditi Garg

Kids will be kids but parents can be a lot of different things. Every kid is different and unique and calls for a tailor-made mode of parenting. Even in the same house, with the same parents, different kids behave in totally opposite manners. While kids are different, parents stick to a particular style of parenting which makes it work for the benefit of some and acts as a disadvantage to the others.

Here's looking at some parenting styles that will make you introspect and identify yourself and those around you.

It is difficult to achieve but a balance must be maintained for the best upbringing of the child. Parents are after all human beings, liable to making mistakes but with the responsibility of shaping the futures of the next generation, it is a responsibility that should be shouldered with care.

Helicopter Parents

They hover around kids incessantly and micromanage their lives
They hover around kids incessantly and micromanage their lives

Spot them easily by looking for the ones who shove other kids aside and get them the best place near the cake at a birthday party. Be it an assignment, a party, an exam or a play date with friends, these parents love to schedule and monitor every tiny portion, down to the last detail. The kids can forget about being out with friends on their own or studying on their own; the parents are going to accompany them to their friend's place or find the perfect mentor for every subject and insist on offering advice (read, instructions) in every field.

The Carefree

The leave- alone policy can end up alienating the child
The leave- alone policy can end up alienating the child

Easy to spot by their absence, these parents leave the kids to their own devices. Completely opposite to the Helicopter style of parenting is the carefree parenting style. These parents are clueless about all aspects of their children's life. Be it studies, friends, problems, or anything else, they just keep to themselves. Not just the everyday decisions, the child has to be in-charge of even the most difficult decisions. While it gives the child plenty of space to develop into an adult who is confident enough to take his own decisions, it may just add a bit too much space between parents and child.

The Fickle-minded Ones

They want to do their best but are indecisive
They want to do their best but are indecisive

Spot them by their confused expression when they have to take a decision regarding anything. From whether their kid should or should not take Punjabi as the third language or should they join skating or dancing as a hobby class, they are mostly indecisive about everything. Kids with such parents get used to taking a lot of time deciding upon anything and may end up with lack of faith in their abilities and have low self-confidence.

Gloating Parents

They like to indulge in incessant banter about how bright their kids are
They like to indulge in incessant banter about how bright their kids are

Spot the gloating parents by their incessant banter about their bright kid who is way better in everything than other kids. Every parent thinks there is none smarter than their child but certain parents take it to an extreme. Their kids are always supposedly accomplished in every fine art and science; which more often than not is complete hogwash. The worst thing is that the child barely ever gets to speak for himself or open his mouth and have an opinion. With utter disregard to what the child thinks or feels, he remains merely a prop to validate all that his parents are saying.

Super-friendly Ones

They are so friendly with their children that parenting takes a backseat
They are so friendly with their children that parenting takes a backseat

Spot them by their hi-fives and kid-level exchanges with their children and their friends. They just love being their friends at the cost of losing their position as a parent. While it is alright to be friendly with your kids, being their buddy and sharing your childhood anecdotes too freely may leave them without a role model. The kids look up to their parents as infallible and it may be okay to let them glimpse into your failures and mistakes as a child but having them believe that they got away with the most atrocious behaviour will only lead them on to it.

The Discipline-Freaks

They believe in the dictum of ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’
They believe in the dictum of ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’

Spot them by the constant snubbing and correcting of every action and expression of their kids. The home feels more like a military regiment with rules and regulations being the buzz word. The parents are not expressive about their love and maintain a strict stance with the children. The children will no doubt be well behaved but are very likely to rebel as soon as they enter teenage. They do not bother about their children’s need to relax and just be, without checks.

The Distrustful

These parents like to grill their kids and have no faith in them
These parents like to grill their kids and have no faith in them

Spot them by their questioning, cross-questioning and calling up friends' to corroborate a story. Never trusting anything that their child tells them, they will ask others if the school is indeed off the next day, whether somebody indeed pushed him and he got hurt and was not involved in a fight and about everything else. Not only does this make the child a laughing stock in his circle of friends but also harms him psychologically. For children, it does indeed get easier to lie than to tell the truth which is not going to be believed anyway.

Anxious Parents

Such parents worry constantly about their brood
Such parents worry constantly about their brood

Spot them by the endless queries that they make from their kids' teachers and the umpteen calls made to check on their wellbeing by calling their friend's parents when they go to play with them. They are paranoid about every aspect of their child's life from exams to birthdays. They imagine the worst-possible scenario and are sure that anything that can go wrong will. They don't just double check, but triple check and then recheck every now and then to be able to feel at ease. While the kids get to be on their own, the parents themselves turn into nervous wrecks.