Insightful look at the Indian political scene
Reviewed by Nirbhai Singh

The Indian Ideology
by Perry Anderson.
Three Essays Collective, Gurgaon. Pages 190. Rs 350

The Indian IdeologyIndian democracy suffers from claims of the politicians that it doesn’t correspond to stark visible realities. The roots of the current ills of the Indian Republic go deeper into history of feudalism, despotism, alien invasions, and internal schisms. Anderson pinpoints serious structural flaws and the deep-rooted social prejudices of those who have administered the state in the decades since Independence.

The British arrived when Indian society was fragmented and segmented; princely states lacked a common national spirit. Luxury and expansion of their borders were their sole interests. The British rulers could have a firm grip because of India’s multiple fragmentations –– ethnic, linguistic, dynastic, social confessions (see, page 12).

Transfer of power in 1947 was from the British rule to Congress. Gandhi’s charismatic personality was the architect of the freedom movement.

He "infused spirit of national freedom," and forced the British to quit India. Anderson argues what has gone wrong with the Republic since Independence.

His understanding of the Indian political scene is objective and insightful though he relies upon writings of other scholars.

However, his understanding of Indian ideology is scanty that is grooved through Christian ideology (18-19). "By 1945, the era of Gandhi was over, and that of Nehru had begun" (page 49). He took a leaf from Gandhi’s life and tried to sacralise Indian society emancipated from religious elements. Neo-Nehruvian dominance continues till today.

This is, perhaps, the first notable scholarly study of a foreign writer of Gandhi’s religious and political writing from his time in England and South Africa till his last breath stopped functioning with firing of Godse’s bullets.

Gandhi, in a small pamphlet Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule (1909), gave the idea of developing will power to put off the alien yoke of servility.

He made the masses aware of the intellectual and historical realities that repressed their wills to live a dignified life of self respect. He tried to infuse a spirit of autonomy. However, geographically we are one nation but never came under one flag.

It is a treat to go through this work seriously with an open mind.