Snack attack

Most of us tend to crave for foods that are not good for health. With a little thought and planning, one can check this fattening habit

The urge to munch can strike you at any time or anywhere. Without any warning, you can be overcome by an urge to munch. Try as you might, you just can't wish it away. You know that you have taken a good substantial breakfast, lunch or dinner, yet you feel this uncontrollable craving for a bar of chocolate or a packet of chips.

Weight gainers

Have you noticed that you tend to crave for foods that are not good for you? In fact, chips and chocolates are hardly the nutritious foods. These are the fat makers, causing our weight to shoot up. When eaten in excess, these useless treats can only trick us into feeling great as we munch or drink. Once that is done, all that is left are guilt and anger at your weakness.

With a little thought and planning before giving in, you can actually stop that fattening snack habit and continue the good job of managing your weight as well as your health.

Smart snacking

The adage "out of sight, out of mind" can apply towards chips, chocolates and cookies, especially when you are out shopping for daily groceries. Perhaps, the best advice that can be offered to a chronic snack eater is to keep all those fattening goodies out of your home or office area.

Just before you plan your shopping, have substantial but healthy breakfast or lunch so that you will not be swayed to buy everything that you see in the grocery store. It is a fact that shoppers spend more on food when they are hungry. But they are more likely to stick to healthy food when they have had a substantial meal.

Find your way to healthy low-fat food section in the shopping mall that will help you eat right and lose weight at the same time. Fruit, fresh vegetables, chicken, fish and other less fattening foods are usually found in all super markets. A cart full of these will help you to avoid pre-processed, high-sodium, high-fat meat preparations, etc. that will go straight to your hips and thighs. These unhealthy items will also alter your cholesterol and triglyceride level.

List of health

Remember, make a grocery list and stick to it. This will help you to avoid those troublesome foods. Foods like chips, fried snacks, soft drinks and colas are best avoided. These are the kind of foodstuff that you would stock for company or guests. Unless you have a firm date for a visit by friends or relatives, chances are that the person that will dig into these foods will be you and the kids. Very few of us have nerves of steel to resist these things. So, why tempt yourself?

Nothing official about it

Home is not the only place where snacking is a constant temptation. Offices are common places of diet abuse. Most colleagues share their homemade goodies with others. At times, you may need a mood lift, when the energy levels are down. Don't give in to the craving for a sugar rush and indulge in doughnuts or chocolates or a cup of over-sweetened coffee. This is the time to have a fruit. An apple or a pear or even a biscuit will see you through the this danger period. Once you acquire a taste for the natural goodness of fruit, you will never want to snack on anything harmful.

Plan carefully

Research has proved that the evening hours are the most lethal period for your diet. One returns home from office tired and may be cranky. It is but natural to want to eat something which gives an instant perk or comfort. Also most of us flop down in front of TV as soon as we reach home. There is something about watching television that has that effect on people and makes them head straight for the snack counter or pantry. It is common knowledge that a vast majority of us choose to unwind after a busy day with a bag of chips or other eats. We are hungry after a hard day's work and the "munch attack" hits us as soon as we enter our house.

A little preplanning can avert this crisis easily. Have some fruits or salad vegetables on hand for times like this. I have often wondered what inspires one to eat snacks immediately after dinner when you should be full. Perhaps, it is the television, books or sheer boredom? A sure-fire way to foil this habit is to nibble on non-buttered popcorns or some dry fruits or nuts in moderation. Even better will be to be a little strong willed and sit with a glass of water or green tea. This always comes to the rescue when you feel the urge to munch. Make this natural wonder drink work its magic on you.

Yet another way is to turn to an exercise program. Go for a walk or just get up and be active and you will be accomplishing far more for your body and mind than munching ever could.

Diet awareness

Awareness of diet and food, regular exercises and commitment play crucial roles in reducing incidences of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and other degenerative diseases and many other disorders. These disorders are on the rise mainly due to our affluent lifestyles, poor dietary habits, lack of exercises and dependence on processed and preserved foods, rich in sugars, sodium, fats and chemicals. We need to make our lives disease free and stress free to lead a healthy, happy and long life.

The writer is one of the leading holistic health gurus and has a health portal

Health Capsules

Old age is a state of mind

Old age may be a state of mind as well as the body, say scientists who found that people who have a younger outlook in life are healthier in old age. A new study says, older adults who categorise themselves as old and frail encourage attitudinal and behavioural confirmation of that identity. Researchers at University of Exeter Medical School interviewed 29 older adults in the South West of England about their experiences of ageing and frailty. They found people who consider themselves to be frail are more likely to abandon activities which can keep them healthy in old age such as taking regular exercise. One's attitude could lead to a loss of interest in participating in social and physical activities, poor health, stigmatisation, and reduced quality of life, researchers said. A cycle of decline was also described whereby perceiving oneself as frail was felt to lead to disengaging in activities that could reduce the likelihood of frailty, such as physical exercise, and, in turn, more health and functioning problems.The study was presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Harrogate.

Aerobic exercise may protect the brain from alcohol damage

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Obesity fork on sale

An electronic fork that vibrates when you eat too fast is finally on sale on Kickstarter with its inventors claiming it can help combat obesity and digestive issues. Those who contribute at least $ 89 on the crowd-funding website will get a HAPIfork, ahead of its planned general release to consumers in the US and Europe later this year.

Social media can support healthiness of senior citizens

The use of social media by older people can offer valuable additional support in cases of sickness and diseases, a new research by Dr Anja Leist from the University of Luxembourg's Research Unit INSIDE, has concluded. With the rise of user-friendly devices such as tablets and other web-enabled devices, older adults now engage in social media, such as online social networks, discussion boards, and online forums, more frequently. The study said that with the successful use of a computer or web-enabled device, older adults report enhanced feelings of control and self-efficacy, but social media provides even more benefits for older adults. Dr Leist said older adults can use social media to access health-related information and engage in patient-to-patient or patient-doctor conversations. There are many online forums where people in difficult life situations, such as informal caregivers of a spouse with dementia or individuals with depression, can exchange thoughts as well as receive

Fish oil can prevent premature birth 

Premature births can be prevented by taking oily fish supplements, says a new study by an Australian scientist, Maria Makrides, University of Adelaide, while studying the effect of omega 3 supplements on post-natal depression and neuro-development in young kids. Fish oil supplements in pregnancy do not prevent post-natal depression. Neither do they aid development in children. They do, however, prevent "very early pre-term" birth," the study said. Very early pre-term has been defined as a birth before 34 weeks of gestation while normal full-term pregnancy lasts from 37 to 40 weeks. The study involved 2,400 women and has been used to support international research.The research indicated omega-3 supplements made pregnancy last longer, allowing more growth and development time for the baby. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily fish such as tuna and salmon. Women who took the supplements tended to have slightly larger and heavier babies and gave birth some days later than the placebo group. — Agencies