Across 1. Madhya Pradesh town on the bank of the Tapti 5. Unit of electrical resistance 6. Not then, nor at another time 7. Keep away from; shun 11. Self-evident truth 14. Append; adjoin 15.Dark, heavy malt beverage 16.Not permanent or
durable Down 1. What many people do on the internet 2. Vishnu ’s 7th incarnation 3. "On Walden ___" literary classic by Thoreau 4. Former state in Madhya Pradesh region 8. Irritate; annoy; provoke 9. International body dealing with labour issues (inits.) 10. Declaim extravagantly, violently 11. ___ Smith, father of Economics 12. He whose daughters tried to tempt the Buddha 13. Group of birds or animals in close association