Across 1. St ___, an early Christian saint and martyr 6. Popular French cheese 8. In Spain, it does not necessarily fall only in the plain. 11. A pre-Christian civilisation that flourished in S. America 12. Each single one counts in cricket 13. Large body formed in 1948 for co-operation among countries in the American region (inits.) 14.A ‘fast -breaking ’ meal in the month of Ramzan in the Islamic world 17. The game that Yudhishthira could not resist 19. __ Roberts, great W. Indies fast bowler 21. Pertaining to water in motion Down 2. Make a mistake; go wrong 3. He whom his brother, Cain, killed 4. Become fatigued; exhausted 5. The great granth of the Sikhs 6. Fed up with dullness, repetition etc. 7. Classical order of Greek columns 9. From this an oak grows 10. Disgusting; filthy 15. __ is the key, as they say 16. Assamese students’ organisation that became a political force (inits.) 18. The climber that sticks to walls 20. University dean who keeps an eye on research (inits.)