1. James Bond was in this business 5. Middle-eastern sultanate 7. Jane Austen’s masterly work 8. A virus related to AIDS (inits.)s 9. "Sweet are the ___ of adversity" 10. __ Pound, famous poet 11. Vayu is the god of this element 12. Image, generally of a deity 14. The river that flows by Jammu 16. Follower of the 5th century Christian sect founded by the patriarch of Constantinople
1. Study and practice of oral delivery 2. What bothered the princess in the fairy story 3. Objective; goal 4. The avatars are believed to be an __ of the great god, Vishnu 6. This kind of voice can be quite irritating sometimes 7. Champion of women’s tennis once 13. The American states have formed this body (inits.) 15. The great granth of the Sikhs