Rescuing her homeland

Greekonomics: The Euro Crisis and Why Politicians Don't Get It, 
By Vicky Pryce
Biteback £12.99

Given the politicians' endorsements on the cover of her book, it's possible that they do get it, but Pryce, a Greek-born economist, does an admirable job of rescuing her homeland from the scurrilous portraits of it that have recently dominated the press.

She reminds us of Greece's much-troubled past, which should have given Europe's politicians pause for thought before welcoming it into the euro, and blames political expediency, not a racist stereotyping of Greek laziness, for the financial mess.

Some of the economic detail is a little hard to follow, but Pryce works hard to be accessible, and highlights key facts that are contributing to people's anger in Greece – unemployment benefit, for example, is paid out for just one year and, even then, only if you have contributed enough. After that, you're on your own.