Food Talk

Yummy mushrooms
Pushpesh Pant

To be honest, this recipe was created on a lazy Sunday afternoon. The maid had misunderstood instructions and had taken a day off without cooking anything for lunch and there was just one packet of mushrooms in the fridge. First we thought of having them on toast but then spotted a sachet of garlic ginger paste on the shelf. Memory was rekindled of golden-hued mushrooms eaten out of a friend's lunch box in office years ago. Thankfully, there were myriad whole spices around to tempt us further and all we had to do was to grind some onions in a blender. They say between the conception and the execution falls the shadow, but in this case, the results were not far from what was attempted. We are very happy to share the recipe with our readers. This dish has a distinct Indian identity without being overpoweringly spicy or greasy. Needless to add, it can be prepared in a jiffy and requires no kitchen skills.


Peel the onions, chop coarsely and grind to a paste with a little water in the blender or grate. Wipe the mushrooms clean with a moist cloth ensuring that no grit remains then slice into quarters. Similarly wipe clean the whole red chilly. Heat oil in a pan and when it reaches smoking point put in first the bay leaf then the other whole spices. Add the chilly in the end. When these begin to change colour, add ground/grated onion with the garlic ginger paste. Stir-fry on medium flame till the onions are golden in colour and the raw smell is gone. Stir briskly and regularly to avoid scalding of the garlic-ginger paste. Ensure that the onion paste doesn't turn rich brown. Sprinkle the powdered spices, along with the mushrooms. Cook covered for 7-8 minutes. Uncover, adjust seasoning and enjoy! If you prefer a lighter hue and creamier sauce, add 3-4 tbsps curds after removing the pan from the flame and allowing it to cool after a couple of minutes, slowly stir in the curds, stirring all the while and replacing on the stove. Cook as described above.