GOOD Motoring
First aid matters
H. Kishie Singh

H. Kishie Singh
H. Kishie Singh

First-aid knowledge is a great asset at all times. Considering that road fatalities in India are the highest in the world, some basic knowledge of first aid will come in handy.

First, it is mandatory under the Motor Vehicle Rules to have a first-aid kit in your car. If you don't have one, buy one and should get to know how to use it properly.

In case, there has been an accident, people will collect around the spot. Indians love a tamasha. Crowd control will be the first problem. So, carry a whistle with you. The sharp, shrill sound of your whistle is a stamp of authority. Clear the area. Fuel may have been spilled on the road. This can cause a potential danger of fire. Switch off the engine. If you have a fire extinguisher, keep it at the ready. Put up warning triangles to warn other traffic.

Organise some people to help. Nowadays, the police and emergency numbers are displayed on boards along the highways. Call for help immediately. Give the exact location, number of cars involved and the condition of the injured.

Unless there is a danger of a fire, do not move the injured. In case of head, neck or spinal injury, moving the injured could compound the injury.

Try and talk to the injured. From their response you can gauge the severity of the injuries. Assure them that help is on the way and keep them calm. The injured may be in shock, keep talking, give them confidence, keep them warm. Morale boosting plays a great part in the well-being of the injured.

If the person is having difficulty breathing, look for obstructions in the mouth, remove them. Till the head back slightly, but only slightly.

Do not give them anything to drink. NOTHING! It may choke the injured person.

If limbs of injured are bent, do not attempt to straighten them. It can cause more damage! Wait till the doctor comes, it is a job for an expert.

In case, there is bleeding, look into your first-aid kit for cotton wool, bandages or any absorbent material to apply to the wound. Always apply gentle pressure. Make sure there is no foreign body in the wound. If you have a bandage, secure the pad to the wound. Raise the limb to reduce bleeding, provided if the limb is not broken.

Some car owners only have third-party insurance, which means the passengers in the car are not covered. Bajaj Alliance offers a unique insurance. For a premium of Rs 1,310, a one-time payment, a person is insured for accidents for up to three years and for Rs 5 lakh. A premium of Rs 1.310 for a three year period, works out to just over Re 1 per day. A nominal amount considering the safety net it provides. All members of your family can be covered for accidents, on the road, at home, anywhere.

If you have children and travel with an ayah, it would be a good gesture to have your staff covered under this accident insurance.

Happy Motoring!