Healing herbs
Herbs not only improve the flavour of the food but also provide many health benefits and protect against various diseases
B. N. Behera

Basil: The king of herbs Thinkstockphots/ GettyImages
Basil: The king of herbs

Herbs have long held an important place in our wellness. Prized since ancient times, and today even more, we depend on them to purify our body and mind. We all use herbs in our daily life, whether for their fragrance, healing power, or recipes. Preparing dishes with different herbs not only improves the flavour of the food but also provides various health benefits. If used regularly one would never need to take vitamin pills.

Basil (tulsi)

Basil is one of the oldest and popular herbs. Known as the king of herbs, it can provide many health benefits. Basil leaves contain essential oils such as eugenol, citronella linalool, citral, limonene and terpineol, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects on human health. Basil leaves, brewed along with masala tea, help to relieve cough and cold and nausea. The leaves are excellent source of iron (3.17mg/100gm fresh leaves).


Known for its strong aromatic flavour, celery lends variety to different cuisines. It has been used to reduce blood pressure, relieve indigestion, and is an anti-inflammatory agent. The essential oils present in seeds and roots can reduce frequency of headaches and nervous irritability. Apart from other nutrients, celery is an excellent source of vitamin k.

Coriander (cilantro)

Coriander leaves are used in many popular dishes to enhance flavour and taste. These leaves also have antiseptic and carminative properties. It also contains many phyto-chemical compounds like quercetin and essential oils and is used in traditional medicine for digestive, anti-spasmodic properties. The herb is an excellent source of vitamin A.

Parsley (ajwain leaves)

It's a wonderful nutritious herb popular in culinary as well as medical herbs. The leaves stem and roots of these herbs have antiseptic and carminative prospective. The essential oil eugenol present in these herbs has been found to reduce blood-sugar levels in diabetic patients. However, further detailed studies are required to establish its role.

Mint has medicinal value Thinkstockphots/ GettyImages
Mint has medicinal value

Mint (pudina)

Mint is a popular herb used for its distinctive aroma and medicinal value. The essential oil menthol present in it acts on cold-sensitive receptors in the skin, mouth and throat, responsible for evolving sensation when inhaled, eaten or applied to the skin. The leaves contain many important B-complex vitamins like folates, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). The herb is also an excellent source of vitamin C.


Stevia is a small sweet leaf herb extensively used as alternative to sugar in carbohydrate-controlled diets. The herb is very low in calories. Stevia extracts are found to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. The extract is also used in the daily diet of obese persons to reduce weight. This is an excellent alternative to any artificial sweetener.

The writer is Dietician, Department of Dietetics, PGIMER, Chandigarh