CROSSWORD Across 1. Sea swell that breaks upon a shore 3. Swallow eagerly in large drafts 5. Grassland; meadow 6."A __ is a __ is a __" said Gertrude Stein 8. Incandescent electric lamp 10. Yellowish, acid fruit of a citrus tree 12. Member of a Muslim community in Haryana 13. Pakistan's secret agency (inits.) 14. To lead, guide or conduct 17. Baking apparatus 18. Woven or knitted fabric 19. Forepart of a foot 20. Reflected, repeated sound 21. Close by; not far Down 1. Bengal town where an early printing press was set up 2. Run away at speed 3. Naum __, famous Russian sculptor 4. Business head of a newspaper organization 7. Slant; inclination 9. Bring together; join 11. ___ Gibson, famous actor 15. Towards, or in the direction of 16. Portent; augury