Karuna Goswamy


1. Showing foresight; providing for the future

6. Move to and fro; swing 

8.Those of marriage are a serious matter

11. Important Italian city in the north

12. A mammal that flies

13. International body dealing with labour matters (inits.)

14.The ‘Potato State’ in the U.S.

17. Group related by descent or heredity

19.___ Blyton, writer of children’s books 

21. A will is also called by this name 


2. Quarrel; dispute 

3. The God of Wind in Hindu mythology

4. The Great Goddess in other words

5. Recent; not old

6. Not drunk; serious

7. Small room directly under a roof

9. Edible bulb that is also pungent

10. To put to this is to slay

15. Hollow or depression in a surface

16. Wheel for steering a ship

18. Tops all the cards

20. Tavern; travellers’ lodgings