A new dawn
It's perfectly possible to be HAPPY. here is some help to get you started…

If a happy 2012 features on your 'to-do' list, it's time to start now! Many of us would have taken a New Year resolution by now; while some will be able to keep it throughout the year, for others it might be a game of a month, a week or even a day.

If there is one single issue that affects almost all of us — professionals, entrepreneurs, home-makers or even students — that is 'stress'. But then in our own society (that we blame for half of our problems, the other half is reserved with fate) only a blessed few are creating a happy work-life balance. We check it out with those lucky ones the secrets behind a stress-free 2012.

Be positive

"I believe in my blood group," says a chirpy Renu Khanna, leading architect from the region. Her motto, "Cut the past, shut the future and live in the present." And, how does she manage that? "It's kriya that I do each morning," says Renu, who wakes up between five and five thirty each morning.

"My father used to say, 'this is the time when all the angels are there to bless you'. She shares two more of her 'happening' fundas. "I make my targets each day; even if I am able to meet 60 per cent of them I am happy. Experience has taught me that no work goes waste. If a particular project that I have worked upon doesn't materialise, I have seen that, inevitably, it gets used in another project that comes my way," says Renu, who avoids negative people to keep her positive energy intact!

Time is precious

Almost all of us complain of 'no' time. Says counsellor Punita Singh, "Make a schedule and stick to it." While 'priority' is the key word that makes for good planning, complete adherence to the schedule makes it work. "If you have reserved 20 minutes to have coffee with a friend don't let it run into an hour just because you are enjoying it," warns Punita. "If you let it happen your whole schedule goes haywire and you might end up with doing nothing in the entire day. Similarly, don't let a phone call sway you away from an important job at hand," she says.

Organise space

Before you start to de-clutter your mind to make a time plan, it is important to organise the living and work space as well. Simran, an interior decorator leads us on, "To give your house or office a makeover, divide the work in daily, weekly or monthly list (yes, one has to return to do it again and again)."

Remember a clean and welcoming environment acts as the best refuge from the stresses and strains of daily living.

Try a selfless act

"I am 49. For most of my life I did big things for myself par baat nahi bani (was nothing great)," says Dr Subhash Gupta, a surgeon from Sector 15, Panchkula. "On the contrary, a small selfless act of kindness fills my heart with great happiness," says the doctor who finds meaning in life by doing his job honestly and extending a helping hand to someone who needs it.

Body basics

A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. "Regular exercise not only keeps the body fit but also the mind agile," says Mansi Sharma, an executive with an MNC. "I am regular with my exercise regimen, come what may. And, probably it's this that keeps me sane in the competitive world where the stress of each day is enough to give one a nervous breakdown," says Mansi. "Even if I sleep at two at night, I go exercise at the fixed time, but, yes, I do make up for the lost sleep the very next night."

Make a choice

"I do things that make me happy. My primary choice of work, projects and assignments is based on my happiness factor. This way, one can handle the responsibility and pressures much more creatively," says Priya Kumar, motivational speaker and writer who doesn't defer things to tomorrow. "Incomplete tasks are the enemies of happiness," reveals Priya, who also banks on her pet Coco Ji to up her happiness quotient instantly!

Well, each to his own…if you are still looking for the elusive 'happiness' try something that you haven't done before. Happy New Year!


Indian tapestry
Tony Phillips, who is all set to exhibit his illustrations at the Punjab Kala Bhawan, says he likes to comment on society through his work
Parbina Rashid

When a foreign artist chooses India as his muse, what can the end result be? Malnourished children begging on the road, a sun-burnt skeletal figure pulling a rickshaw in some traffic-congested area or opium smoking, long-haired sadhus at Kumbh Mela. So when Tony Phillips, who is all set to exhibit his illustrations at Punjab Kala Bhawan under the aegis of Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi's Beyond Boundaries programme, told us that he had made some comments on the Indian society, especially Delhi, through his paintings and drawings, we half expected to see those set images.

A close look at his frames and we do see those familiar images, but the sting of 'in-the-face' kind of reality has been somewhat taken off, thanks to his soothing colour palette and powerful lines. Along with the rhythm of life that Tony found in places like Connaught Place, Chandni Chowk and Pahar Ganj, he has successfully captured the transitional phase that Indian society seems to be going through. So, images like a huge hole in the ground right in the middle of Connaught Place with the cult sign of Mcdonald at the backdrop, rag-pickers getting on with their life with the towering minarets of Jama Masjid for an anchor, the spiritual and commercial connect of the people living on the street are visually appealing and mentally stimulating.

The inspiration for his Delhi series may come from different corners of the city, but the connecting thread for most of his paintings remain the same — an overpowering presence of naked electric cables, which originates at the ground level and spirals up to anywhere, everywhere. Tony uses this wire mash as a metaphor for the entanglement of life in modern India, which is exciting and dismaying at the same time.

Tony, the UK-born and Italy-based artist, is not seeing India through the eye of a first-timer. For he has known India for a while now, ever since he came to Punjab in 1995 leading a group of young artists under Shropshire Punjab Exchange Programme.

Though, essentially a sculpturist by education and landscape artist by profession, illustration is also an important part of Tony's artistic entity now. "Drawing is a good medium to make a comment on society and I love to capture the changing trends of society, people's struggling at different levels to go along with those changes as well as their weaknesses and failures," says Toni.

Tony uses pen and wash technique to execute his ideas — strong focused lines to tell his story and water colour background for that added drama. "Lines play an important part in the whole saga as it gives rhythm to a drawing. The rest comes from layering of colours," he explains. Tony's odyssey with India, however, does not stop at this series only. The artist who is also know for his larger than life installations and relief-sculpted panels is planning to paint the essence of Delhi on a huge canvas, which he wants to display along with similar frames on New York and London.

"India is a country to look out for when it comes to socio-economic development," he says as his parting shot. But what makes us curious is the choice of metaphor he will use to explain his developmental theory. Well, only time will tell!

(From January 2 to 7 at the Punjab Kala Bhawan-16)


What the stars say…
Vasudha Gupta

It is the dawn of the New Year and despite reading as well as watching all kinds of flicks; watching all the news channels going gaga over the doomsday happening in 2012, trust us, it is not happening! The New Year will usher in all the happiness, bliss and joy just like all the others years will. We check out with a few experts, who spoke at length about the fact that doomsday is just a false prophesy. "2012 will bring in a new era," says Larra Shah, a Delhi-based holistic healer and wellness expert.

According to her, the coming year will be a new 'yug' in the pages of world history. "The children born in 2012 will be special as they will have more than 12 active chakars in their body," she adds. Those working with honesty and commitment will gain higher sucess in jobs.

No doubt, the world will witness reforms for the better, the coming year will also reject whatever needs to be eradicated to bring in the change.

"2012 is the year of the water dragon, which is the most protective and it is just impossible to think that the earth will crumble," she says. As for Bollywood, she talks about the success of the Khans. "The Khans of the industry will let go of their egos and work together to bring Bollywood to a global platform," she says.

If the Khans will hog the majority of the limelight, a few others will have to take care of their health issues. "Since the year 2012 totals up to five, it is ruled by the planet Mercury," shares P. Khurrana.

"In this year, Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan will have to take care of their health," he says. The year will witness several new faces in the film industry and bring success for various directors such as Karan Johar, Ekta Kapoor, Madhur Bhandarkar and Farah Khan. "Actors like Priyanka, Ranbir, Shahid and Kareena will do exceedingly well in the industry," he says.

As for those with lucky names, "People whose names begin with S, M, A will do very well in the year," he adds. 2012 will also witness several remakes in the film industry. "Historical films will also do well," Khurrana says. Talking about the year in general, he says that it will spell success for the uniformed class in India.

"Mercury is associated with uniformity, hence pilots, air-hostesses and the Army will do well," he says. Since 20 is the common factor, the focus will be on 12. "The total of three derived from 12 makes Jupiter rule the year. Jupiter happens to be the planet of the Government in India," Khurrana says. Giving a strong message, he says, “In this coming year,if you wish to pray, you should do it for others and not only yourself.”

"One card that I picked out time and again was that of the devil," says Renu Mathur, aka Maa Divyashakti. But that does not mean that the world will end.

"It's like finding the way around a mountain," she says. "Disasters will go on, but people will move to spirituality and internal healing," she says. The year 2012 is also the year of Aquarius, which signifies change. "A lot of mindsets will change," she adds.

The year is also representative of communication and knowledge. Madan Gupta Spatu, an author and astrologer, says, "The number 2012 totals to five, which marks an upward movement in communication and networking."

For those born on January 1, it will be a year of new beginnings and limelight.

So if you really hope for a good year ahead, seek the blessings of your elders, stay healthy, work hard, control your temper and ensure that it is a happy new year!


I resolve…
If resolutions and keeping up to them is on your mind, those who know ‘how to do it’ share their take

Bipasha Basu’s New Year resolution is to be a harmless liar because ‘sometimes lies help in getting out of sticky situations’. Actor Chris Evans has vowed to take yoga more seriously in 2012 in a bid to get rid off his aches and pains (he is just 30). “Do things a little differently,” is what the Grammy-winning singer Taylor Swift is aiming at. Reality show star Kelly Bensimon has vowed to have a ‘clean’ year. She is determined to ‘get rid of anything that’s toxic —guys, people, attitudes, anything I don’t like’.

It’s that time of the year again, when each one us resolves to make our life better. While taking a resolution is easy, sticking to it is another ballgame all together. We did a quick check with known names from the city on what they aimed for and, more importantly, how did they manage to hit the bull’s eye.

Plan & prepare well

For industrialist Sachit Jain, the resolution last to last year was to write his book, which he successfully accomplished with Ready For Take Off: A leadership story. Consistently following the schedule made him stick to his goal. And in 2012, he is ready for another take off, “My resolution this year is to run half a marathon,” he says, for which he has already started gathering information but also formulating strategies.

Spreading joy

Jasbir JassiFor singer Jasbir Jassi, the resolution for 2011 was beyond the self. “My endeavour, in which I think I have been quite successful, has been to keep Punjabi alive,” says Jassi. Before each concert, he ensures he shares with the crowd some words and their meaning from his songs. In the coming year, he plans to carry his resolve further. “I want to make Punjabi as well Hindi music available to people across the globe.” Amen!

Precious bonds

Mac SarinJust after a family meal that witnessed four generations together on table, legal eagle Mac Sarin shares with us his 2011 New Year resolution that he was able to partially fulfill, “At the beginning of the year, along with my wife Niti I decided to spend more time with the family. I also completed 40 years in the profession, so had planned to reduce the amount of time that I spend at work.” He managed to do the first successfully, but he continues to work with same zeal. How did he manage to squeeze more time for the family? “Well, the credit goes to my granddaughter Kismat (3). Seeing her face makes one forget everything else in the world.” Taking family values forward is what Mac Sarin finds most important, especially now that he is a grandfather.

Work is worship

Khushboo KochharAnchor-actor Khushboo Kochhar Grewal had a rather strange resolution for 2011 — ‘not to ask for any chutti (leave)’. “See there are not many lucky ones who get to make their passion their career.

So, I thought I would work religiously and not complain about the long working hours or round-the-clock shootings,” Khushboo explains. She managed to stick to her resolution and how… “My work is my stress-buster.

I did get the regular offs like the rest of the team, but I did not ask for any leave,” says a happy Khushboo. She did get bonus by having a week-long shoot and holiday in London mid-year, “What else could I ask for than work and pleasure trip to the royal city,” she exclaims.

Now this anchor is aiming at controlling her meals and hitting the gym more often. “The Punjabi in me is such a foodie…need to control it a bit in 2012.”

Kulraj Randhawa Lesser expectations

Actor Kulraj Randhawa resolved to have ‘lesser’ expectations last year and has been successful in that.

“Sometimes it’s as important to ‘give’ than just ‘get’, which is especially true when it comes to relationships,” says Kulraj.

“Loving and respecting those around helped me meet my resolve.” ‘Working harder’ is her mantra for 2012.


Punjabi script, global stage
The Parvasi Media Group from Canada has instituted the first-ever Punjabi International Film Academy Awards, a move that would help promote Punjabi movies across the globe 
Jasmine Singh

We have said, written and talked a lot about the ‘good’ that Punjabi movie industry is doing to itself. It was time to translate it into something concrete. So, came in the announcement by Parvasi Media Group from Canada on Friday — that it has instituted the first-ever Punjabi International Film Academy Awards.

It was an occasion marked by the old and new Punjabi actors; those who roared on the screen, those who glamourised Punjabi movies and those who are still tickling our funny bone. Om Puri, Prem Chopra, Preeti Sapru, director Manmohan Singh, director of Mel Kara De fame Navaniat Singh, music director Jaidev, actor Aarya Babbar, comedian Kapil Sharma, Rana Ranbir along with Rajinder Saini, Parvasi Media Group president, came together to declare that the Punjabi industry has arrived and is ready to grow bigger and better! Rajinder Saini, the man who was surprised to see a successful response to IIFA in Toronto, took the lead, “Punjabi films are doing really well and it is the right time to take the industry to the world. I spoke about this idea to actor Om Puri, who liked it and this is how we got rolling.”

According to Rajinder, “We don’t have any awards despite the fact we are producing good films, which are being viewed worldwide.” The thought, the concern has taken the shape of awards now. Punjabi International Film Academy Awards (PIFAA) will be held in Toronto at Air Canada Centre (one of the most famous landmarks in Canada) on August 4, 2012. It will subsequently be taken to different cities in Canada, including Vancouver and other parts of the world over the years.

Says Om Puri, “Punjabi music industry is recognised the world over. No Bollywood project is complete without a Punjabi tadka. And when it comes to hospitality, Punjabis are the best. We would soon have Punjabi movie screened at the Goa Film Festival.” The idea sounds great, but we still have a long way to go.

This would be evident at PIFAA Toronto as well. The event will consist of a three-hour award function, which would comprise performances by leading Punjabi actors, singers and comedians. It will be attended by a large number of Punjabi film personalities from India and across the globe. Leading Punjabi film personalities have already agreed to attend the event at Toronto. Also, over 100 renowned people from Punjabi film industry are expected to attend them.

The Awards would be given in 15 categories. There will be five-six entertainment performances. Punjabi films from Pakistan would also be included in a special category and some leading Pakistani film personalities would also be invited. But do we have so many films to put up an awards night? And is this the right time? Actor Aarya Babbar, who is currently doing three Punjabi films, says, “We might not have many movies, but this is the right time to take Punjabi cinema to the world.” Agrees Prem Chopra, who acted in Punjabi movie Dharti, “I have high hopes from our films and they would definitely do well.”


Master Chef
Cups of delight 
Kandla Nijhowne

We are all brimming over with festive fervour! In my opinion, nothing says 'Happy New Year' better than a spectacular tray laden with dainty pots filled with glossy velvety chocolate creams! I love serving these in teacups because there is a surprise element in this presentation. Most guests get the impression they are being handed a cup of dark coffee! It's a dessert to die for, and easy to execute!

Chocolate pots de creme

n 2 cups cream

n ½ cup whole milk

n 100 gm dark chocolate

n 3 tbsp cocoa powder

n 6 egg yolks

n 1/3 cup sugar

n 1 tsp vanilla


n Preheat oven to 325°F.

n Chop the chocolate finely.

n Bring cocoa, cream and milk just to simmer in a heavy pan.

n Remove from heat, add chocolate and stir until melted and smooth.

n Whisk yolks and sugar in large bowl to blend.

n Gradually whisk in the hot chocolate mixture.

n Strain mixture into another bowl.

n Cool for ten minutes and divide the mixture among six cups or soufflé dishes.

n Cover each with foil, then place them in a tray that can hold enough hot water to come halfway up the sides of the cups.

n Bake for 50-55 minutes or until the custards are set. The centres should still be wobbly!

n Chill and serve garnished with a swirl of cream or some chocolate shavings.

(Nijhowne is a Chandigarh-based culinary expert) 

Comfort factor

Well, to begin with it doesn't bear any tag of international chain of hotels. But they are counting and recounting their advantages nevertheless. The personal touch, the customisation, ambience, it never stops right?

With the pros and cons in place, Hotel Rajshree, in the Industrial Area Chandigarh, opens its doors to the Tricity. A property boasting of three-star amenities, hopes to cash in on the assorted clientele. "We are actually looking at all kinds of clients to be checking in here, right from the tourists to overseas travellers ," says Subhash Narang, managing director of the group. He adds, "A lot of times, our resident guests are surprised to see the owner of the hotel actually moving about at the front desk and personally taking care of their needs. Moreover, we are totally into the business of hospitality and not into other ventures."

Amidst all the usual claims that accompany any hospitality venture, their USP is not hard to predict. "We are cashing in on customisation. Our personalised services would definitely be a plus point." It doesn't stop there. He adds, "Most of the other major big names in the hospitality industry have started from the top; when it's about client satisfaction we know the ground realities since we've started from scratch."

Moving on, the seven-storied building boasts of a business centre, wi-fi internet access, mini-bar, 24-hour coffee shop, apart from 40 rooms segmented into deluxe rooms, honeymoon suites and royal suites. "We also have an indoor parking for 19 cars." — Manpriya Khurana

Of colour and form
Vasudha Gupta

Mukesh Kumar's art speaks louder than his words. Working diligently under the watchful eye of his able teachers, Mukesh has put up his work in Flamme Bois Bistro, Chandigarh for the first time.

Hailing from Patna, it was a small stagnant water body in his college campus that attracted him the most. "It had a small flower, which looked even more beautiful in the muck. It was then I decided on this theme," he says pointing at his play of greens. The liberal use of green is to capture the sense of calm and serenity the hue brings with it. Currently pursuing Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) from the Government College of Art, Mukesh does not mind experimenting with his paints and brushes. His next will be on geometrical patterns. "It will be an experiment of form and colour treatments," he adds.

Despite making very saleable art at his young age, Mukesh is unfazed by the commercial success he has achieved. "It does not matter what sells for how much, my work begins with colours, brushes and my imagination," he says. Also working on light and shade, the exhibition has a hint of his upcoming work. "The current body of work includes impasto work. My next will be based on creating light and shades in impasto without colours," he says.

For Mukesh, his translation of art means attraction, reason and transition. "This will always be the basis of my work," he smiles.


Star Track
Musical dreams

Amazing energy

SRK, I, and the team of Don 2 travelled non-stop and we all have such amazing energy. I enjoyed playing Roma because she is feistier this time around. I like playing roles in movies of different genres. I love this new trend of female-oriented roles that are very powerful. I have loved all the roles such as Vidya in The Dirty Picture, my role in Saat Khoon Maaf, Katrina in MBKD, and Rani and Vidya in NOKJ.

Ideal guy

I like bad boys! Haha! I like taming them! The usual romantic gestures and flowers are not for me. My guy has to sweep me off my feet. I am an achiever so he has to be one too. We have to admire each other. I admire drive and ambition. I have to be in love or attracted to the guy I am dating.

I am a romantic at heart and even in my mind. Anything romantic or touching makes me emotional, I cry. I am a very emotional person that way.


Making the music has been a fabulous experience. I lived, breathed and ate music in the USA. I’m trying something new and I hope it’s something that makes our industry and country proud. I had so much fun and fulfilled my musical dreams. —HRM



Living on the edge

John Abraham has had an enjoyable and eventful 2011. His relationship with Bipasha Basu came to an end and he tasted commercial success again with Force and Desi Boyz. He has also found new love with a lady called Priya Runchal, a former banker and looks forward to tying the knot in 2012. He talks about his plans as he goes on vacation to the US.

Personal life

I want to keep my personal life private now. I am a number eight person and I believe that we are very successful but we also have a roller-coaster life!

Inviting trouble

I am happy with the way life has been for me. I believe we must live on the edge and take chances. Normal is boring. I take responsibility for my decisions and films.

Filmy fundas

I have received criticism for my work. I believe in letting it pass and working even harder on my next project as people will notice and appreciate. Directors have complimented me on my acting so I must be doing something right.

Money and success

I feel I am finally on a roll with movies with Desi Boyz and Force. I hope it continues and keeps getting better. My first salary was Rs 6,500 as an intern. I know the value of money. That is why people think I am one of them because I made it without any backing. I am glad people connect with me like that. It really gives a good feeling. 



Kids can wait

A-Team star Jessica Biel says she is not quite ready to have children yet but would like to be a mother one day.

The 29-year-old actress, who is in a relationship with pop star Justin Timberlake, is keen to start a family some day, but it isn’t something she is currently thinking about. “I’d like to have children one day but I don’t have any timetable for that. It’s not something I’m thinking about right now,” Biel said.

The New Year’s Eve star also said that she is in no hurry to get married. “I never dreamt of Prince Charming. To annoy my mom, I used to say, ‘I’m never having kids, and I’m going to be a fabulously rich old maid living in a house with cute butlers and dogs’,” she added. — PTI



In good company

Reportedly, Siddharth Roy Kapur has bought an apartment for girlfriend Vidya Balan for Rs 14 crore in the posh area of Juhu. Marriage is definitely on the cards.

This has really been a lucky year for Vidya!

Right moves

Anil Kapoor has bought the rights to the television series, 24 and he will play the lead in its Hindi version. He makes all the right moves!

No name yet

The name of the Bachchan baby has not been decided yet. Meanwhile, Abhishek Bachchan is a hands-on father and makes time for family even though he is busy promoting Players.



Salman, SRK vie for best actor award

Bollywood friends-turned-foes, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are in the race to for the best male actor trophy at the Zee Cine Awards to be held in Macau next month.

Salman has been nominated for his performance in blockbuster Bodyguard, while Shah Rukh has got two nominations in the same category, thanks to RA.One and Don 2: The King Is Back. Other actors vying for the title include Hrithik Roshan for Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, Ajay Devgn for Singham and Ranbir Kapoor for Rockstar. — IANS

Chatter Box

After her SAB TV’s show Happy Housewives Club, producer Deepti Bhatnagar will soon launch a new TV show. She is working on her upcoming travel-based food reality show called Global Tadka. She will be producing, directing, hosting and will even be a chef on the show which will showcase different cuisines from all over the world in a simplified manner.

She has shot in numerous countries like Italy, Dubai, Thailand, Burma, France, and of course India. 



Love to hate you

Shashank Vyas Shashank Vyas and Anjum Farooki who play Jagya and Gauri in Colors’ Balika Vadhu fight incessantly not only on but off screen as well. The two share a love-hate relationship. They irritate each other between shots, call names but at the end of the day make up as well. So cute!



New kid on the block

In Zee TV’s Hitler Didi, Rati Pandey’s character Indira will soon get a new love interest as Mrunal Jain will enter the show as builder named Sameer. He will be Rishi’s (Sumit Vats) elder brother and will fall in love with Indira. Mrunal was last seen in Imagine TV’s Looteri Dulhan and guess this dude will add a nice twist to this tale.



Love thy neighbour

While shooting nights, Arhaan Behl, aka Krishna of Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya, got a surprising call from his neighbour. A fire had broken out in his building due to a short circuit so the friendly neighbour called to inform him at 2 am, unaware that he was shooting. Thankfully there was no casualty though the building did suffer some damages. Arhaan was touched by his neighbour’s caring gesture.



Meet and greet

In Zee TV’s Pavitra Rishta, Manav’s (Hiten Tejwani) company took over Archana (Ankita Lokhande) and Purvi’s company and let go of many employees. Archana and Purvi have been trying to get in touch with the owners but to no avail. In the upcoming episodes, Archana and Manav will finally meet after their 20 year old separation. Manav will believe that Archana is happily married while she will be glad to see him. On the other hand, Arjun will meet Purvi and soon will fall in love with her while Ovi pines for him.

Astro Turf
p Khurrana

ARIES: Your card Ten of Pentacles reveals that your plans will be 
met with approval. Be careful, as you will live later to regret your actions. Take a relaxing vacation for your heart’s sake. Tarot message: Health of elderly member at home will need looking after. Lucky colour: Deep red. Magic number: 26

TAURUS: You draw The Lovers, so new attractions are likely to be serious. Single will find their love. Romance is highlighted. As the day progresses, your energy can desert you. Tarot message: This is not a bad time to open up new doors that could lead you in a more lucrative direction. Lucky colour: Turquoise. Magic number: 62

GEMINI: Venus, the lady of love, may bring happy and emotional news to light. You will be more sensitive to the world around you. Be careful when it comes to 
lending money. Take account of stocks. Tarot message: Avoid gossip session at work place. Lucky colour: Aqua blue. Magic number: 44

CANCER: Do not attempt to get new plans going. Work behind the scenes. You and a partner may spend shared money unwisely. Plan a special evening with your family. Tarot message: You can stabilise your financial situation if you make property investments. Lucky colour: Orange. Magic number: 60

LEO: Argument with your spouse is possible in the afternoon. You will have to watch your temper. Give more attention to the creative side of your life now. Go over your business accounts. Consider updating your budget. Tarot message: Over optimism could lead to mistakes. Lucky colour: Crimson. Magic number: 30

VIRGO: Be sure to take full advantage of the good opportunities, which come your way. You could have mood swings. There may be a level of anxiety to the day. Perhaps you have had a quarrel with your lover. Tarot message: Do not overspend just to impress others. Lucky colour: Purple. Magic number: 36

LIBRA: Keep your spirits up by putting forward a cheerful face. Be careful with your investments. You are likely to attract happy and positive people. Speak to your parents about a loan before you approach the bank. Tarot message: Don’t waste an opportunity by being rash or impulsive. Lucky colour: Black. Magic number: 55

SCORPIO: The card Two of Cups promises many opportunities on the financial fronts. If working on a commission basis you will be able to increase your earnings. Many of you could be planning a wedding. Tarot message: You will get the help you need if you ask for it. Lucky colour: Brown. Magic number: 32

SAGITTARIUS: A tricky day if you are hoping for spectacular results. It would be best to keep new ideas under wraps. Make sure you air your intentions first to avoid arguments later. Tarot message: Wait a while and everything will get sorted out on its own. Lucky colour: Pink. Magic number: 40

CAPRICORN: Secret meetings with influential people will go off particularly well. This will be a good day to seek a loan. Your partner may come into an inheritance or receive a pay raise. Tarot message: You need to be creative if you want to retain your grip over your business. Lucky colour: Yellow. Magic number: 52

AQUARIUS: The Queen of Cups opens the door for a new job offer. Do not get too excited. Avoid making partnership deals. Act on your insight, and then write down what has become apparent. Work out your next moves logically. Tarot message: Leave things open ended for best results. Lucky colour: White. Magic number: 58

PISCES: A fine day for starting something new. Discussions behind closed doors could work out very well. Envy can be a problem, so get advice but keep your real plans under the hat. Tarot message: Feel good about yourself and prepare yourself for a mental battle. Lucky colour: Sea green. Magic number: 42

The Year Ahead
Madan Gupta Spatu

If your birthday is January 1...

Today is one of the most powerful and sacred days of the entire year. The darkest days will soon be over and you will move towards the light in preparation for 2012. Use this time to reset, rebalance and get your priorities in order. Now is the time to show reverence towards time and not waste a precious moment. You will receive excellent news about relationships today on your special day when you will be receiving the Happy New Year and Happy Birthday wishes.

You should get started on something bold and that takes competition totally by surprise! Ask a Taurean friend for help and support. Those born after 1970 will be satisfied at the pace of their career. You must stay away from the people who always bring you down. Rest and relaxation will clear your mind and make you stronger. If you take a break, you must be sure your heart is in it. A halfway attempt will be useless.

Duty mounts heavily with mad dash errands, high spending, a wide variety of demands and tasks, financial mistakes that cause some ‘juggling’ but good cooperation from members while balancing it all out. The 2012 may be rather difficult for you to manage on a personal level with indications of impulsive, high strung energy, false starts and dangers of ‘blurting out’ comments, especially elder members. You may succeed in financial matters. However, the financial benefits that you may get could be a result of careful, meticulous hard work. Carelessness may result in losses, otherwise January will be a good year. You will make several new friends this year. A lot of discussion is indicated and may relate to Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius friends.

Mood: Very enthusiastic. Compatible signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio. Lucky colours: Red, Antique White. Lucky days: Tuesday and Saturday. Lucky umbers: 5, 8, 9, 22, 34. Lucky gem: Ruby. Lucky flower: Red Rose.

You share your birthday with Ooh lala Ooh lala girl   Vidya Balan (January 1, 1978 in Ottapalam, Palakkad District, Kerala). She entered Bollywood with her debut film, Parineeta. She starred in films Bhool Bhulaiya, Paa, Ishqiya and No One Killed Jessica. December 2011 saw the release of The Dirty Picture, a biopic based on the life and death of the controversial Indian actress Silk Smitha. It is the boldest role she has ever played as it required a lot of mental preparation. This all happened due to coincidence of number one and four (2011) and she made her place as the top-rated film actor in the film industry. The life path number nine will help her retain the top position in 2013.

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