What happens when your expectations shatter?It is the way you accept it which matters
In spite of your maximum input
You never know what is going to be the final output
Expectations can be of parents, friends, relatives or peers
But when it happens, all your hopes and faith disappears
It is the time when god keeps your morale high
And parents, as usual, ask you to get out of the sight
Friends help like anything
And peers as always heeding
Also it is the time to face relatives
Some happy, some disappointed
The hypocrite world reel off your head
But it is time to move ahead
Finally, if you think of becoming an engineer
But, will it be justice to you and your personality
A matter of fear
What I just want to confess
Fortune decides your destination
And overcomes expectations
All this happens when expectations shatter
Vinayak Kaushal, B.Tech. Ist Sem, Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Engg. College, Sundernagar, HP