Karuna Goswamy


2. Striped horse-like animal

6. Water freezes to give this

7. A sign of the Zodiac

8. An extremist, as in religion, politics etc.

11. Besides, in addition to

12. Idi ___, Ugandan dictator

13. Silent; speechless

14. Zone; territory

16. A water body smaller than a lake

18. India’s premier state in the northeast

20. Annual celebration at a Muslim shrine

21. Pakistan’s intelligence agency

22. Type of white heron


1. Central American Republic

2 Supreme deity of the ancient Greeks

3. The mouthpiece of a bridle

4. Shah ___, Late Mughal emperor

5. The Muslim saint celebrated at Ajmer

9. Caves named after this Rishi are in Bihar

10. Lobsang ___, author of ‘The Third Eye’

15. Comfort; lack of stress

17. Leave out

19. Knight in British nobility